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Individually addressible 3mm led’s? Or 3mm led on a rgb header?

Level 7
Hey there, I’ve been caught by he RGB bug. I have a Thermaltake P3 open case so the RGB looks pretty sweet. I have a maximus x hero, gskill trident z rgb, Inwin rgb fans on my radiator and a Asus ROG keyboard and mouse. The only bit not sync’d is the 2xleds on my xspc raystorm cpu waterblock and the 2x3mm leds on my two GPUs. I have white leds in the GPUs and although the raystorm comes with rgb leds as they can’t sync with the mobo I have these set to ****e as well. This is fine me as it’s a white themed build, but would look even more
Blingin’ if I could sync the cpu and gpu leds as well.

So my question is - is anyone aware of anyway to get addressible 3mm rgb leds? Or anyway to get the raystorm rgb controller to synch with asus aura?

The alternative is that I swdon’t t h the cpu and gpu waterblocks to aura sync compatible blocks. But having spent a small fortune already (don’t tell my wife!) I’m reluctant to fork out about £259 on blocks knowing I’ll only get half that back on eBay for the parts I have.

Thanks, Matt*

Level 7
The smallest package I'm aware of commercially is 3.5mm SMT. It could be mounted on a break-out card to wire it up, but that's pretty complex. Another option to consider is wiring up a 5mm WS2812B addressable LED and hooking it up to a flexible light pipe (example) with a 3mm lens. Although flexible, light pipes don't do real sharp turns too well.
I had a similar problem with my build. I wanted my SLI and Mono blocks to be RGB, but the LED ports on the blocks were 5mm and 3mm (respectively). I was dealing with analog RGB, so I was also concerned with total current load on my headers. My solution was to cut RGB LED strips to the appropriate size, and attach to the edge of the blocks with silicone sealant.

Worked well for me, and was cheap. (your wife may appreciate that).

Level 14
Common commercial/industrial small LED form factors ... the smallest common SMD LED size is 1104 or 1206 ... and the smallest SMD RGB LED is 5050

Recently introduced!
0404 (1mm x 1mm x 0.25mm) SMD RGB LEDs ... if you order 1000+ quantity, lol
"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others." - Douglas Adams


Level 7
That is one small chip! The one I was referring to is a 3535 addressable RGB chip (his requirement); unfortunately I believe the one you cited is analog. These are available for around 5USD for a quantity of 10.
I still believe however, that he would be better off with a flexible addressable light strip. He can cut to length if desired, and gang them together throughout the case for the ambiance he's looking for. Unlike the analog version, each addressable LED can be cut and spliced in individually (you need to do groups of three with analog). Here's a 16ft roll for about 27USD on Amazon:

Level 14
I agree with using the premade light strip. It's a one-off PC chassis mod, as long as it still works and it looks good then it was done perfectly. Why spend more time and more money to get it done the hard way, lol.
"All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others." - Douglas Adams
