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HyperX Mod

Level 9
Hello everyone. I would like to share another casemod I intend to do. The allotted time for the finish is a little short, but try to do everything possible to finish in time.this case will be shown in the HyperX booth at Computex in June. Thank you in all my sponsors, friends and family for your patience and for the opportunity to build another case.


The pHardware that I will use for this project


Level 9
A small gift won from HyperX

and kindly received tools from Dremel

The case chosen this time is the Cooler Master Trooper

Level 9
acrylic with contact paper

Level 9
Many thanks to all who follow this topic, and sequence more pictures of the progress of the project

Level 9
I would like to thank everyone who has accompanied this project.Actually I had little time to finalize and had not enough time to be able to take final photos of this project. He has been sent to Taiwan to be shown on the stand of HyperX. in sequence the photos of the project

Parts kindly sent by Bitspower

Riding the water cooler system

I hope you like the end result, Many thanks to all sponsors, friends and family and everyone who followed this topic

Level 9
Hey Ronnie beautiful as usual. Biggest Ram I have ever seen! lol What Fluid are you using, I really like that color.