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Cooler Master HAF 932 Project...The Kubrick

Level 7
Update links*
8/15/13 - mini-update -

* First I would like to thank you guys for visiting my thread and build log, If you enjoy the work please go ahead and rate the thread, thanks! *

** EDIT ** After reading about work logs and forum etiquette I've decided to edit my log and some of my posts to better show the process of my build. I would also like to thank the people who have given me comments, it really motivates me to continue posting. I just want to try and focus on larger updates with a lot of information.

This will be considered my first case mod, I've have countless builds but never decided to really deck out out my PC. For my build I'm using the Cooler Master HAF 932 case. I was originally going to purchase a case labs case but I figured ill take the money and turn my HAF 932 into something unique.

I get paid twice a month so new mods are only every couple weeks, which sound like a good length of time for updates anyways. This edit will have some length to it but it will better showcase my build then it previously did. It will bring you up to speed to where I currently am, and that is the beginning of my water cooling loop. The newest item is my Swiftech 120.3 radiator.

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I apologize for the orange clockwork water marks on the photos I removed them in the next and continuing photos. More images in the next post.

Fedex brought me some goodies!! Time to get busy, I hope to be done by the end of this coming weekend. New front panel and new panel bordering the mobo.

Swiftech Extreme Performance Triple Rad, 6 Corsair High Power AF120 Fans, and 2 Sheets of black acrylic. LETS DO THIS haha!:cool:


Well taking advantage of my boredom waiting for my UV red sleeving to arrive to finish my PSU, I accomplish a couple tasks. I tested my dremel skills and made an acrylic ROG logo to glue onto my mesh front panel. I might make letters now, not totally sure. I got a handle for my fillport cover and painted it white. Finished painting my optical external enclosure. Lastly, I started sketching up my next creation, a scratch build names the "Full Acrylic Jacket". Here is a few pics, everyone loves pics! haha

New ROG logo


New Handle




Full Acrylic Jacket


Ill take another round of photos when I get my PSU wired up and put my components back into their case .

yay! text form UPS my sleeves are waiting at home for me! I should be able to finish sleeving tonight and reassemble my case.

Well I managed to finish everything up today. Got the wires sleeved and everything installed. Now its just waiting on paychecks for new memory for a stable over clock and water loop parts. Heres where im at so far.




I hope you guys like my work!
Now to continue designing my next project and do more research on modding and collecting new ideas! If I could find a way to do this for a living I would never work another day in my life!

Hey guys checking in with a little mini update, sorry for the lack of progress, was held up financially but recieved a 1000$ bonus from work 2 days before payday. Needless to say I got to ordering some parts!! Even prepped another build! Did some wire management and I'm prepped for my water loop Ill be installing when my parts arrive on Monday.

Starting on monday next week, Ill be installing a EK supremacy CPU block, clear acrylic and nickel. Also an EK full board clear acrylic and nickel Rampage 4 mobo block. I got a Swiftech PWM 655 pump, with a Bitspower clear acrylic modded block and custom red modded shell. I picked up a Aquacomputer 450ml Aqualis reservoir with the nano glass, waterfall effect, and led holder. Ill be using Primochill clear rigid tubing with white fittings, a Swiftech male/female quick dsconnect and Mayhem red dyed DI water with a silver coil in it to top it off.

Here are a few pics of up recent upgrades. With a description above them. *Pan to the left, The pics were large and it will cut off the left hand side, it did for me anyways. Its easier to caption the pictures in the forum space itself so I changed my pics removing the captions from the picture itself. It will also make it easier to post my pics in bulk on different forums. Its silly that I have 6 inches of empty space on either side of my screen and the forum is cutting off the endge of my pictures lol :confused:

Heres my Fill port Ill be utilizing to fill my loop.

I purchased a 1" Phobya Port.

I was hoping it would be the right size and it fit perfect.

Grabbed some thumb screws. Had a few places to put them and I want them to all be the same. So I painted them white.

They look better than that cheap handle.

Started some wire management trim.

Never throw out scrap acrylic =D

Prepped for paint

Primed up.

Hit em with the red. Makes the interior pop now, youll see 😃

Heres a few views. Ill be matching all the hardware when the local store restocks. I also added a little white to the sleeves.

This is where im chillin now.

I have 2 massive orders coming in from FrozenCPU, two from newegg, and one from TapPlastics and one from MicroRax.

Then I can wrap up this build with the custom water loop. Ill be blocking up the CPU and motherboard. Im leaving out the GPUs because they are older and I hope to sell this PC to get money to continue modding on a regular basis. It will be for sale for the cost of parts and my labor will be chalked up to a learning experience as it was my first mod.

Im going to be starting my next build this weekend! Ill be using a ROG Maximus VI Gene motherboard so the log will hit these forums from start to finish, as well as OCN, Bit-tech, and Cooler Master sense its a CM 912 case mod. Be on the look out Ill be starting it Sunday night or Monday morning on all the forums most likely.

I hope you like where this case is at. I started my log on these forums here and I have expanded my knowledge so so much since starting to mod. From trial and error, tremendous amounts of inspiration across these forums, studying and reading how to work with different materials, and how to properly photo and post your work nicely for all people to see. Its going to be sad to see this case go if I am lucky enough to sell it but there will only be better and better builds coming from me, so Ill keep one of them in the future. I will be back with the final touches soon! Im done rambling, take care!

Level 7
Got a good bit of modding done after work interior panel cut, new front panel cut and the radiator holes drilled and got it test fitted.

Radiator paint job.


Front with new Corsair fans.


New Interior back panel test fit, and optical drive external box just chillin. Not much use for these guys anymore, I would say it will be dead tech in a few years.


Radiator inside view.


I have the vision, just need to apply. The more I see on forums and more work I do, the more I love it haha. More pics at the end of the weekend.

Level 7
Putting up pics of the weekends progress tomorrow at work, looking good so far..decided im going to rewire the PSU cables to single sleeve with no heat shrink.. It looks sooo much more neat ,precise, and clean. Ordering the sleeving tomorrow, stoked for that, also adding a white set of sleeves into the black and red, i want more white accents, I painted the mesh for my front panel fans white and all my water loop fittings and some hardware screws will be white as well. I need a better job so I can get parts quicker, even tho waiting on parts makes it all the more exciting to add new components lol.

Level 7
Morning everyone.

Heres the progress I made over the weekend. Like i said I decided to change the wiring, hopefully my cables sleeves will be here by wensday.

Here is the new front panel. I was running out of ways to cover the area surrounding the fans. I found that there were nice grooves in the side trim. the bottom trim was 1/8", the exact size of the acrylic, and the top was 1/16" so I had to cut down the edges to fit in nicely. I had to make screw holes to get at the trim screws because the trim is whats holding the top and bottom panels on. That shows in a few of the pictures.

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For wiring the fans I connected the front three together and sleeved the wires and i connected the interior three together and sleeved the wires. They came out nicely. I love my helping hands soldering tool, it makes soldering two pin type ends together so easy!


I ran my sata wire for the SSD drive straight up the back behind the acrylic so I could mount the SSD flat and vertical above the motherboard. I think it looks slick up on the top there.


Here are 2 pics of where I'm currently sitting. I covered the fans on the front with a mesh from home depot. I don't think I like it because its not as see-through as modders mesh round hole style, like the mesh I have painted red on the front. It will do for now until my next paycheck in a week and a half. I mounted two 12" cathode lights one across the top front and one behind the radiator on the front panel inside wall. Should do some good lighting along with the FrozenQ Fusion reservoir. I didn't lean in and take any pics of the lights themselves, maybe on another photo. I painted the inner circles on the corsair AF120 fans because they were connected and I couldn't take them apart to paint the fins red. That's about where I'm at just waiting on more parts.

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Up next is sleeving the PSU wires with a white black red scheme. I just placed my order at, the sleeves should be here in 2 days along with an E-sata cable for my optical drive I turned into an external. The next big parts are 32 gigs of RAM, and 250 or 400 mm/ml FrozenQ fusion rezzy! Grabbing the big parts a week from Wednesday. Can't wait!

Level 7
Made a masking tape stencil and painted the ROG Asus logo on the white mesh..came out pretty slick.


Level 10
Beautiful work!

Love the logo! Very well made 🙂