06-10-201112:07 AM - last edited on 03-05-202408:06 PM by ROGBot
First.sorry for my bad English so not much explaination From Vietnam my project name is RAMPAGE base name of ASUS RAMPAGE III Xtreme. My project is going to join Cooler Master Case Mod competition. So i want to share some my idea, my work logs here. My Project finish in 8 pots. Sketchup idea design.
Most material i used acrylic to easy laser cut. Mainboard tray.
ICY Box keep my SSD but i don't like it show simple. I very impressive with R.A.T 7 mouse when i saw it. I add USB, E-Sata port and a point to hang R.A.T 7 when don't use.
RAT7 will hang like that.
USB, E-Sata port panel.
Take from RAMPAGE accessories.
I use USB, LAN, HDMI to DVI extended. When casse finish, just plug and play
I decide make one hole for HDMI, USB, LAN cable.. instead of on the left side.
Out of focus picture.
Some part to hold all wire. like the tail
Temporary picture with no full paint.
Stop here. Thanks all for reading. Next update is final
//Sorry for my bad English so not much explaination This is final update my ROG RAMPAGE project. I have 2 phase. First i finish ROG RAMPAGE but not finish I/O cover and some decorating. My photography skills no good so have no great pictures:D Phase 1
Phase 2. I decide add some part to ROG RAMPAGE. Make the tube connect from pump to main Plate stronger.