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[Build Log] Metroid -A 3D printed computer case

Level 8
Hi guys, I'm 8-Bit Builder. I've been doing this for about 10 years now and just starting up my newest build. I build cases in the an old pixelated style as you will see shortly :D.

I've been wanting to build a Metroid computer case for about 7 years now but plastic was always too expensive ($1 a cube) compared to .08 cents a cube of wood which is what all my previous PC mods are made out of. Once I found out how accessible 3D printers were, I jumped head first and picked up a Maker Select. After a few months of non-stop printing it dawned on me that I could make the Metroid computer case I've been thinking about for such a long time. Normally I spend about 200-250$ in wood/paint but 3D printing plastic is really cheap in comparison, about $80 in plastic. I'm also planning on having a really cool light sequence on the inside of the case to get the red effect of the in game Metroid. Being my first foray into a 3D printed computer I'm sure I'll run into issues but look forward to overcoming them. This will also be my first time with programmable LED's so it will be a learning experience on that front also! I'm going with an ASUS STRIX for the Aura Sync capabilities since this case is going to have a big focus on lighting. The more advanced lighting will be done with the Tinkerboard.

A strong gaming pc
100s' of LEDs programmed inside for a light show
95% 3D printed

ASUS has sponsered/supplied me with components for this mod (Really appreciate it) and also in the past on my Airship PC Case seen here:

ASUS ROG STRIX X370-I GAMING AM4 AMD X370 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.1 Mini ITX AMD Motherboard

ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 TURBO-GTX1080-8G 8GB 256-Bit GDDR5X PCI Express 3.0

-ASUS ROG Strix X370-I

-ASUS GTX 1080 Turbo

-GeIL 16gb DDR4 Super Luce RAM

-Thermaltake SFW Toughpower 600w fully modular PSU

-Thermaltake Riing RGB Fans (120mm, 200mm, Cpu cooler)


Asus Tinkerboard with a few hundred LEDs programmed in a cool light show

And heres some photos of my past work:

Airship from Final Fantasy

Link from Zelda

And a 3D model I've printed, Calcifer from Howl's Moving Castle

Ok on to the build! This is what I'm building (modeled in 123Design/Tinkercad):
Metroid from ...Metroid!

The modeled case

My first idea of how the components will fit

I started printing and doing test pieces to make sure I had it down pretty good and to test strength of the frame. Needless to say, it holds a LOT of weight (I weigh 185lbs)

I've got the printer going in earnest on the final design now. The printer will be going non-stop for about 2-3 weeks to get all the pieces done. I'll be back soon though with photos of attaching sections together with glue and 3D pen welding!

If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to ask 😄

Level 8
Thanks, Toronto699!

Getting near the home stretch!

Heres a test lighting of one of the feet. No cable management yet...ha

Side being built up:

Not fully complete but just an idea how the window will be

I'll be back when I have the whole top finished with fans and whatnot. I'm gonna start working on getting the leds wired in

Heres a test run with them shoddily taped on the inside

Finished up the frame of the top!

Couldn't use any vertical clamps due to the say its smooth on the inside, so had to use some weights to help glue it down.

Baby for scale

Adult for scale

This is my wife staying "awake" past her bedtime trying to help by routing the pc wiring on the inside

Now I'm moving on to the LED wiring on the inside. Its going to be awhile of wiring and soldering... Heres what a pattern/schematic of the led paths

Level 8
Back now that I'm done with the wiring. Oh boy, was this an adventure. I've rarely done soldering/wiring and this has definitely increased my skill with it ha. There will be gifs of the lighting, I'll provide a link if the message board isn't showing it natively.

So my first test was my lazy test, which to say was I was hoping i could just fold the led strip to make 90 degree turns but I didn't like the way the lights would repeat flash whenever it came to a bend...

GIF of Light issue

I decided to cut the led strip and solder whenever there was a 90 degree turn. Heres the same layout, but with wiring instead of folding

GIF of Light fixed

Next is some wiring shots
Splitting off the led strip

The monotonous monotony of stripping wires and tinning wires

The finalized wiring on the inisde with everything hotglued in place. I'll need to print some covers to hide the wiring and clean it up.

and finally one section lighting up in the dark
Gif of section lighting up

Next is programming the ASUS Tinkerboard so that the led strips will run on seperate timings. I'm just delving into this so should be interesting

I know it was a pain the ass but I agree it looks much better cut and wired than folded. 🙂
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station…

Level 8
Thanks Xeromist, agreed.

Just a small update of all the lights running
heres a link if gif embed doesnt work:

Level 8
Thanks Xeromist, agreed.

Just a small update of all the lights running
heres a link if gif embed doesnt work:

Still working on trying to program the coding so they run seprately atm

Level 8
Turns out programming isn't as easy as I had hoped. I have a friend or two giving me a hand. In the meanwhile, I picked up 2 more sponsors! This is greatly appreciated and welcomed.

First off is GEIL with supplied 2x8gb SUPER LUCE 2400 DDR4 RGB Ram

Next is ThermalTake who graciously supplied RGB fans, PSU, and a sweet CPU cooler

Engine 27 CPU cooler (first time for me seeing an all metal fan, looks awesome!)

Thermaltake Toughpower Series PSU SFW 600W

Thermaltake Riing Plus 12 RGB Fans + TT Sync Controller

Level 8
Back again! I've been doing small things that didnt warrant many photos (trying to learn to program, ended up having my 2 buddies help me), and rearranging computer components.
I'm nearing completion though! I will probably have 1 more update after this then it will be final photos and a time lapse video of the build/3D print process. My buddy is working on the music for that video atm. Anyway, on to the smaller update here:

This is the rear of the case. Its fitting the Thermaltake Riing RGB fan. I wanted to keep the fan removable because I need to get my hand in the computer case to plug the fans in once I put the top on. I ended up using magnets to hold the fan in place (located at each corner).

This is the top of the case with another Thermaltake Fan. This is permenantly installed in the case no need for removal here.

This is experimental. I'm using translucent red plastic to use as pseudo cable sleeves for psu/power button/Asus 1080 card. I think it looks good, but what do you think?

Also you can see I went with Thermaltakes Riing Cpu cooler. I was afraid it would be too tall but it is about an inch short of hitting the top of the case so no worries.

Level 8
Probably last update until the final photos and video! I'll have it at PAX East 2018 if anyone is going to be there by chance.
Got the lighting done! I have it wired into the PSU so it doesn't need additional outlets to be plugged in.

This is the window side. Just printed some flat sides to cover up gaps the acrylic window leaves.

These are little "feet" that help guide the top frame onto the body. They are angled so the top section slides on them.

Next is I decided to self-promote on the SSD since it was looking bland anyway 😄

My finalized wiring job

Be back in a week or two with the final photos! (probably post video a little after that).

Level 8
Heres the finished video[. It shows the whole computer being printed. I'll be back with the photos soon!