I think, it’s time for some pictures...
🙂Here is the first one with the Corsair Obsidian 800D and radiator assemblies:
I am using 3 Black Ice SR1 radiators: a 3x140mm on the top, a single 120mm on the back and a 2x120mm on the bottom. All of them will have fans in push-pull configuration with a shroud between the intake fan and the radiator (no need of shrouds on the exhaust side because of the radiator design). The fans on these pictures are San Ace ones from my previous system, are mounted just for sake of the pictures (I will get rid of these and will use Cougars instead).
The top 3x140mm radiator doesn’t fit right now. Will cut the top panel of the case and also the 5.25” cage has to be trimmed as shown in the picture below (no big deal, there is a nice tutorial on the web for this from mnpctech):
In the next two pictures I’m trying to demosntrate that the dual radiator will not fit under the midpanel:
Will remove this midpanel and will design a completely new one.
And here is the back radiator assembly:
Mounted entirely inside the case not only looks strange, but perhaps will interfere with the tubing for CPU and motherboard:
The radiator and exhaust fan mounted outside with the shroud and intake fan inside just looks weird:
Not sure sure yet how will deal with this rear cooling unit...
Next, I am going to disassemble the case, will remove the 5.25” cage and the hot swap bay. Going to cut the top panel and adjust the 5.25” cage for the 3x140mm radiator. More pictures are coming soon!