Phase 7 - Painting (Part 2) - Pics

Getting super excited that it is all coming together so far, I start to paint using Rust-Oleum Truck Bed Liner Paint. Specifically, the one that has primer built into the spray can. I basically just started spray painting it as I would any other project, but ended up with some unsatisfying build up spots on the back view of the case. I decided that I would focus the first of my efforts on the depth portion of the case as it was very irregular to get the paint to spray evenly from each of the angles. You can see from some of the images there are ‘bad spots’ which I chose to ignore until I felt good about the depth. I also (somewhat) focused on the interior paint. This not being a crucial concern for perfection, but I did want it to match the outside.
Once the depth all looked good to me, I taped it off with painters tape attempting to protect it from the debris that would occur from sanding the back panel again. This worked out okay, but in hindsight, it was probably unnecessary.
Anyway, I sanded the back plate so that it was smooth and ready for a fresh new coat. I didn’t want to mess up the depth portions though, so I re-taped this area so that I wouldn’t accidently do something to the good portion and have to redo it again, sanding and all.
This worked out perfect as I was able to give a nice even coat all around the back and front panels. After removing the tape and moving the case off the plastic I noticed there were a couple of areas I didn’t like. Either the tape pulled some of the paint off or it was just really dusty and I couldn’t wipe the dust off nicely. As a secondary coat / fixing slight errors; I used the Rust-Oleum truck bed liner paint that did NOT have the primer included. I’m not a paint expert, but it seemed that this paint went on lighter and not as thick, so I used it to do touch ups.
I also want to note that I live in Texas and the plastic I laid down to paint the case, ended up melting to the bottom wings where it touched down. I ended up taping off a large area around the melted plastic area and had to sand the paint and plastic off so that I could paint it again.
At this point, the case looked awesome and very nicely painted. There were no major flaws that stood out and I was happy with it. I then painted the back panel that covers the access opening which I apparently forgot to take pictures of… my bad.
Anyway, I moved on to the fans / ‘elbow’ pieces next. Being that this case is Batman, and I grew up with batman being black and yellow colors, I wanted to give it some character making these pieces yellow. I also have the intent on adding yellow LED lights so this is just for aesthetic purposes.
I pulled apart the fans and used painters tape to cover all the cables / open areas that paint shouldn’t go. I could have painted the cables I think, but I didn’t want to risk it and them not be usable. Overall, they came out rather well and the slight areas that are still white, doesn’t bother me.
I just realized, I didn’t take pictures of the ‘elbow’ pieces being painted. Guess you’ll just have to wait till the next post to see that those are yellow too.