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Aura Creator V3.1.3.0 [Report here if any issues]

Community Admin
Community Admin
Core service update:
Armoury Crate Service v4.2.5
Armoury Crate Lite Service v4.2.8
ROG Live Service v1.2.18.0
AURA Service (Lighting service) v3.05.18
AuraLayerManager(AURA lighting effect add-on) V0.0.18

New features
Enable configurable multiple device support
Compatible with Windows 11

Bug fixing & Enhancements:
Fixed system suspend/resume lighting effect frozen issue
Fixed low frequency service crash issue
Fixed G-Skill DRAM Aura Sync issue
Fixed Smart Mode bug
Optimized component update process & Fix update fail issues
Enhanced GUI layout and UI interactive behavior

Newly support models:
FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin

Hi! I don't have any creator's skills. Can I find in Web any profiles for my laptop's Aura Creator? Thank you.

Same problem here ! after update Aura Creator none device shows up ! I got 5 items but none shows !!!!!
Such a big and Famous company got first class hardware but got ****y software ! thats sad !




I am trying to get my RGB strips to light in rainbow but just in black and white.

This works fine when I turn color gradient off, but then its really stuttery and looks pretty bad.

When i turn on color gradient, it looks nice and smooth ,but instead off white and black (off) its white and red.

Really annoying.

I tried it with different colors like a dark turqouise insted. This one will default to green insted.

I cannot start aura creator on my rog laptop through armoury crate. It does not start, the window closes itself as soon as I start it.
Besides from the very beginning in aura lighting the rainbow lighting effect does not work on mainboard (pc) it works like color cycle effect, on mouse it works well. So I cannot use aura sync properly. :mad::(
ROG Strix G731

hallo, ik krijg mijn ROG Spotlight niet gesynchroniseerd met Asus Aura. Kan iemand mij vertellen hoe ik dat voor elkaar krijg?

My Balteus QI has that "red bubble" that normally indicate that an update is available, even though I got the last update already for it ... ver 1.00.19


It does this since the last major armoury crate update and I can't since to make that bubble dissapear (unplugging and replugging doesn't fix it)

Level 7
I have a GL704GW and with one of the newest versions of Aura Creator, it will not recognize any lighting zones from my laptop... I currently have version 3.1.3 and it does not regognize anything

Level 12
1. Unable to select Back I/O LED (3 each), PCH LED (3 each), Start/Reset button LED, Aura RGB Header 1 (12V GRB) on top of Motherboard or Aura RGB Header 2 (12V GRB) on bottom of motherboard. All are considered as one RGB LED/Strip.
Motherboard: XII Formula


2. Only detects ADD GEN 2_1 (5V, data, GND) at top of motherboard and ADD GEN2_2 (5V, data, GND) at bottom of motherboard. Both are seen as one connection/LED strip and cannot be controlled separately.
Motherboard: XII Formula


3. Each RAM stick has five LEDs and cannot be controlled by zones/separately. Only a single color or other effect per RAM stick.
Motherboard: XII Formula


4. ROG Strix Scope RX works fine. I just had to use three layers. Keyboard recognized by Aura Creator. Lost ability to use Fn key for light effect switch, brightness level, color customization, on the fly macro recording, profile switch, and factory default.
Motherboard: XII Formula
5. Motherboard OLED works fine. Hardware Monitor, Image or Animation, and Custom Banner. OLED recognized by Armoury Creator, but no
support using Aura Sync. Some motherboards have a program specifically for this purpose (software no longer supported). Can the Software Engineers write a Live Dash program for the XII Formula?
Motherboard: XII Formula

PC Components:
Motherboard: XII Formula

Motherboard: XII Formula

Is this going to be fixed or this is the course Armoury Creator and Aura Creator going to work from now on, due to Aura Sync no longer being essential (for some devices)?

Is Aura Creator a downgrade of Aura Sync?

Are ASUS profits going to decrease from one quarter to the next? Is it EOL due to Aura Creator not working correctly!

pndiode wrote:


2. Only detects ADD GEN 2_1 (5V, data, GND) at top of motherboard and ADD GEN2_2 (5V, data, GND) at bottom of motherboard. Both are seen as one connection/LED strip and cannot be controlled separately.

PLEASE ASUUUUS use the brain and give us individual header control, why the heck is this aura creator for, is useleeeessss!!! CMOOON, it cant be so hard to implement this feature, the same way ram modules can be controled iondividually this must be tooo!!!! So many time developing armoury crate and aura creator and we still cant do this??


Level 12
Still waiting for a new bug thread to be created. Anyway:

1. Unable to select Back I/O LED (3each), PCH LED (3 each), Start/Reset button LED, Aura RGB Header 1 (12V GRB) on top of motherboard or Aura RGB Header 2 (12V GRB) on bottom of Motherboard. Are all considered as one RGB LED/Strip. Motherboard: XII Formula.


2. ADD Gen2_1 (5V, data, GND) are now controlled separately (Fixed)! I have not tried GEN 2 option with Aura Terminal yet, assuming it is suppose to work that way or does it apply only to a splitter cable?


3. Each RAM stick has five LEDs and still cannot be controlled by zones/separately. Still only a single color or other effects per RAM stick.


4. ROG Strix Scope RX still works fine. Wish I had this control of the keyboard with Aura Sync instead of using Armoury Crate to use Aura Creator.


5. Motherboard OLED still works fine using Armoury Creator. Wish there were a separate software program for Live Dash that other motherboards used. . Oops! Now broken. Spoke to soon, all other preset animations work, but this preset animation no longer works or loads. Is Asus trying to remove their slogan associated with this software?


Aura Creator PC Components: Motherboard XII Formula

Aura Creator Devices: Motherboard XII Formula

Even though the ROG Strix Fusion 300 is not RGB (just red LED) the options to select Static, Breathing, Saturation level, Audio, and Firmware update are available in Armoury Crate, but not Aura Creator. You might want to add to the list with an asterisk next to 500 and 700 (300 USB only). This option was not available in Aura Sync.


Armoury Creator same as before, too much bloatware just to use Aura Creator and change motherboard OLED!