Sentence wrote:
you should email windows or microsoft and see what they say that would suck if it doesnt change with Win. 10 if you get a reply post it in here id like to see what they say thanks
Hi Sentence, since I made this original post, until replying just now, MVP and some Microsoft Engineers told me to ask ASUS. But no one ever gave me a clear cut answer. But I did upgrade to Windows 10 core July 29th, 2015 through Windows Update and all went well. Secure Boot did not cause any problems. I guess Windows somehow must have a certificate built into it that Secure Boot accepted. Still not for sure how it works, but I guess it did. I also did a clean install of Windows 10 with a downloaded ISO and that install worked as well with Secure Boot enabled. They say before you do a clean install with a downloadable ISO, you should first do an upgrade through Windows Update. That in turn, will register your device with the Microsoft Servers. So when and if you do decide to do a clean install of Windows 10 using an ISO, you wont need a product key when you install. Sure, it will ask you twice for a product key when installing, but you tell it you will do it later. Then, when the clean install is fully done, you log into your Microsoft Account and Windows 10 will check with the Microsoft Servers and see if your device is registered. At that point, if it is, your Windows 10 will activate.