BJBBJB wrote:
Did you every get SS working in Windows 10? I don't see that "disable all sound effects" and like the other posts here, SS has no impact on my audio. It runs, pretends to work, but only impacts the built-in audio test file.
+1 have the same issue
everything worked fine on win 8.1, but after upgrade to win 10, the only tabs i see now are speaker configuration,
sonic studio (that i can not launch at all, UI seems to not work at all some files that were installed on win 8.1
seems to prevent the proper win 10 files to be reinstalled on 'em), room correction, and default format.
the only option that i still did not tried is a complete reinstall of system from format state or resetting system settings to the default state, which is very similar, yet i am affraid that some registry info may be reapplied, thus install after format seems more appropriate
I did all other things mentioned in related threads on these forums, and the sonic studio UI in realtek Hd audio manager
still does not work or install properly. installing higher version of realtek drivers does nothing also i am on v.
I uninstalled whole realtek soft from device manager and installed it after with the sound chip disabled in BIOS after reboot, it did not helped.
When i try to use only SetupSonicSuite_R2.exe there are msgs during installing process stating that: Overlapping operation in/out is in progress.
From what i see, the realtek sonic studio soft is not updated correctly to win 10 files from win 8.1 v. thus preventing sonic studio UI in realtek manager to install and lauch IMO.
I even tried to install that package with the Realtek chip disabled in BIOS but it changes nothing. The same messages appear again during installation. Some registry settings info from win 8.1, when i installed this realtek soft for the first time, does not update properly in win 10 environment, executed even with administrator properties.
Max alpha hero VIII user