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Rog strix hero 2 g504gm battery problem

Level 7
Hi there

I bought back in august a rog strix hero 2 gl504gm and I have been experiencing battery problems lately. Every time when I boot up my laptop on battery (even when fully charged) he boots up and then all of the sudden I get the message: "battery low 0% locking" and he shuts down. Then when I boot it up again he indeed has 0% left. The laptop is less then a year old so the battery cannot or should not be broken yet right? When I boot up my laptop with the charging cable in, it boots up and when I disconnect the cable I can use the laptop on battery normally without any problems. How is this possible? Also I made a battery report that shows that my max battery capacity is going up and down randomly. Can anybody explain this and solve this issue for me. I will put the battery report in the attachment.

Ok apparently I cannot upload the file so here is a link to my google drive with the file:

Kind regards

Level 7
Hi Seppevs,

Try checking this topic, even if the issue is not solved. We will try to get as many messages a possible here

dan_himura wrote:
Hi Seppevs,

Try checking this topic, even if the issue is not solved. We will try to get as many messages a possible here

Thanks a lot!