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Only install ASUS Aura or GPU Aura [Resolved]

Level 7
Hey, I just wanted to post this up for some because this fixed a lot of my issues with the GPU and AURA not working with the rest of the system.

I followed the GPU software suite and installed the AURA Graphics and AURA for the motherboard and everything was working fine for a bit. Then one day my graphics card just refused to show up in AURA panel anymore and the AURA Graphics would just say "NON-AURA" and exit. I tried everything to fix it. I scrubbed the reg, I reinstalled both AURA and AURA graphics, I updated the bios, I tried the non beta aura version. What worked for me was uninstalling the AURA graphics and leaving it uninstalled and just installing clean AURA. Once I did that my graphics card popped right up and has been working since. So if you're having problems with your GPU not showing make sure you also don't have installed the AURA graphics listed under the GPU software download. The two don't work together so well and it will just cause all sorts of headaches.... Hope I helped someone because there was really no instructions about just having one or the other and the instructions for the RGB stuff can be very vague at best sometimes. Thanks!