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'Motherboard' option went missing in AURA

Level 8
Hi all,

As per title, the motherboard option has disappeared from Asus Aura - After 7 months of it running fine on this Z370-F with variuos versions.

Was overclocking to the latest bios, switched to a different Aura profile then noticed it stop responding.

PC has been off for 6 hours now, turn it back on now to see all RGB is on INCLUDING the motherboard lights (the strix tick and RGB fan plugged in to header 2), but they're stuck on breathing red. And motherboard option missing from Aura:


Tried uninstalling + aura cleaner 6 times already, mobo option hasn't come back. Reinstalling with version 1.06.17 as is the latest for my board, an no results.

Any ideas how to get mobo control back?

[EDIT] Managed to get it back by completely draining the motherboard power. Hopefully it stays on this time!

Level 7
I use the same board. and on the lastest BIOS too..

The things is sometimes the setting reset to default ( color cycle ) for ' Sync at Shutdown '. You experience this before?

Stuart Lee wrote:
I use the same board. and on the lastest BIOS too..

The things is sometimes the setting reset to default ( color cycle ) for ' Sync at Shutdown '. You experience this before?

Yeah, since day one.

It doesn't really bother me though, as i soon i go back to windows it remembers my last profile, so its like how it was before i shutdown.

Becuase of that, i'm really unsure of what 'sync at shutdown' is supposed to do!

My man I have been dealing with this for about a month now. I am on the Z370-I mini ITX version.

I have tried different bios versions, different ways of uninstalling /re-installing aura, unplugging the power over night, all sorts of different bios settings, NOTHING. mobo is just stuck on solid red, and I can't even turn it off in the bios when I turn off aura lights all together. It just stays on solid red and nobody has been able to do anything for a month. Not even an acknowledgement. Pretty disappointed but it's whatever.

m4ttjirm wrote:
My man I have been dealing with this for about a month now. I am on the Z370-I mini ITX version.

I have tried different bios versions, different ways of uninstalling /re-installing aura, unplugging the power over night, all sorts of different bios settings, NOTHING. mobo is just stuck on solid red, and I can't even turn it off in the bios when I turn off aura lights all together. It just stays on solid red and nobody has been able to do anything for a month. Not even an acknowledgement. Pretty disappointed but it's whatever.

Can't say that's ever happened to me. There was once where i thought it was stuck on red, choosing gradient etc and was still stuck in red. Turns out it was because
the end hue on the color circle was set to 0. I turned it to 275 and gradient multi colors came back.

Other than that you can try and drain the motherboard power like i did, it seems to reset Aura.

I have gone as far as unplugging it for 2 days, and also taking the motherboard battery out to clear cmos. No luck. Lights just stuck on solid red, and mobo still missing from aura. I have tried every combination of every fix all over the internet lol. Thinking about an RMA next to be honest.

m4ttjirm wrote:
I have gone as far as unplugging it for 2 days, and also taking the motherboard battery out to clear cmos. No luck. Lights just stuck on solid red, and mobo still missing from aura. I have tried every combination of every fix all over the internet lol. Thinking about an RMA next to be honest.

Try draining the mobo power, which worked for me:

Shut down, pull the power cable out. Wait until the GPU lights are off, then hold the power button down.

My board lights flashed red quickly after 5-10 seconds or so holding the power button down.

Booting back into windows the mobo leds went to default breathing setting, that's how i knew i got it back.

If that doesn't work, i guess RMA is your next option.

F0x135 wrote:
Try draining the mobo power, which worked for me:

Shut down, pull the power cable out. Wait until the GPU lights are off, then hold the power button down.

My board lights flashed red quickly after 5-10 seconds or so holding the power button down.

Booting back into windows the mobo leds went to default breathing setting, that's how i knew i got it back.

If that doesn't work, i guess RMA is your next option.

I tried removing everything with revo all asus folders and just reinstalled aura, did not wok, ten turned the system off and on and yep it worked

Level 9
This needs to be submitted to Asus support. It pretty clearly seems like a bug to me.

happened to me too. are u running windows insider build? this is the only explantation i have because there was no update...