Today I installed my ASUS ROG Ryujin AIO when installing the Live Dash software no screen popped up on installing the software, a launch icon did pop up. When double-clicking on this icon the program launched and was responsive and I was able to navigate it, add CPU req, temp and vcore that now cycles on the OLED. Just to make sure I opted to uninstall reboot, clean the pc with CCleaner reboot again, when starting the install program it asked again I was sure I wanted to uninstall so I clicked yes, reboot rinse and repeat. On further inspection, the Live Dash folder remained, also under apps and programs Live Dash still shows up. so I removed the whole folder and clicked uninstall under apps and programs. ran CCleaner etc upon reboot I can still not install the program I will ask if I want to uninstall etc.
So how do I uninstall Live Dash? So i get to program to function?