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Linux installation in ASUS ROG GL552VW-DH71

Level 7

I recently bought an ASUS ROG GL552VW-DH71 and I tried to installl Ubuntu 14.04.0 . I couldn't, it is really problematic. I also tried with other linux distributions (fedora 23, linux mind, ubuntu 15.10) .

When the live Cd is loading the following error message is showed :

nouveau E[ PIBUS] [000:01:00.0] HUB:0x6013d4 0x00005700 (0x1c 408200)
nouveau E[ DRM]failed to idle channel 0xccc0001 [DRM]

The live cd often doesn't finish loading, when by luck the live cd load the touchppad is not working , the wifi is not detected the sopund is not working at all. After installing , ubuntu stop working after restarting. Could you please help me.


set_killer wrote:
Also the sound is terrible. Its vary quiet. Do you have the same problem?

Thank you.

Hi guys,

I am also very interested in installing Linux on this laptop and it would be a great help if you could post your further conclussions 🙂
One very specific question - do you know if it's possible to run two externals displays with this laptop? It should be possible with one on HDMI and second one on USB 3.1, but I coudn't find any resources if it's supported on Linux?

Great thanks in advance!

jareks wrote:
Hi guys,

I am also very interested in installing Linux on this laptop and it would be a great help if you could post your further conclussions 🙂
One very specific question - do you know if it's possible to run two externals displays with this laptop? It should be possible with one on HDMI and second one on USB 3.1, but I coudn't find any resources if it's supported on Linux?

Great thanks in advance!

According to this thread you cannot connect external monitors with the Type-C port.
However, there are another solutions, which i am not sure if they are working properly with linux.


I was trying to configure NVIDIA on Debian 8.3, but unfortunately without success.
What I have done so far:
1. Running kernel 3.16 with parameters: nouveau.modeset=0 tpm_tis.interrupts=0 acpi_osi=! acpi_backlight=native i915.preliminary_hw_support=1 idle=nomwait // it make system working faster
2. Installing Bumblebee or Bumblebee-nvidia package // it hangs the system, i don't have logs
3. Reinstalling system with kernel 3.16
4. Installing kernel 4.3 from backports
5. Running kernel 4.3 with parameters: nouveau.modeset=0 acpi_osi=! acpi_backlight=native idle=nomwait // it hungs when starting x
6. Reinstalling the system with kernel 3.16
7. Installing latest NVIDIA driver and run nvidia-config // the system hungs
8. Testing kernel 4.3 with the following parameters: intel_idle.max_cstate=0, acpi_osi=! acpi_backlight=native // x windows don't start
9. Testing kernal 4.3 with the following parameters: intel_idle.max_cstate=0, acpi_osi=! acpi_backlight=native, idle=nomwait // x windows don't start
10. checking BIOS version // is 216, the newest

Do you have any suggestions what could I try?


vishneda wrote:
I have this machine running under Linux and various flavors. Here are some tips. Message me or reply here if you have trouble with the below because I am doing this from memory.

Kernels below 4.3 (pretty much any distro at the end of December): Add "nouveau.modeset=0 tpm_tis.interrupts=0 acpi_osi=! acpi_backlight=native i915.preliminary_hw_support=1 idle=nomwait"

The Nouveau command disables the NVidia card, which you need to do until you get proper drivers installed (use something like Bumblebee).
The ACPI commands make your keyboard hotkeys work properly
The i915 command tells the older kernel to use the "beta" Skylake support, which you will certainly want.
The idle command is needed to make the new Skylake chipset speed up and down properly without locking up. I was seeing occasional lockups without the idle setting.

With these settings, I have full function keys, screen lighting, etc, the cpu is at full speed and everything works great EXCEPT I have no touchpad support. As far as I can tell, the kernel does not support the touchpad in this machine/configuration at present. There are multiple bugs raised within the Linux community if you look around. I am hoping we will see a fix to this soon. I tried to debug the device but due to lack of time I don't think I will be able to find a fix on my own.

After install, set X windows up to not use the NVidia drivers and you can drop the nouveau.modeset parameter. I use the Mesa open source drivers.

For 4.3 and above kernels (which I have custom compiled from source at this point but should be rolling out on some distros soon) you can drop the i915.preliminary_hw_support and tpm_tis.interrupts. You don't need those on the latest kernel as far as I can tell.

Don't use things like "nolapic" and other stuff you read on the internet because all that does is drop you down to one core and limit your hardware significantly. Might as well not have the new computer if you use those things.

FWIW I think Elementary OS's latest ISO works "out of the box" with only the nouveau.modeset=0 directive. Also, it was kind of tricky to get Arch Linux to work with my home wifi due to WPA based encryption. I got it working, but if you have a similar setup be advised it took a little time to get the commands right with this wireless card.

If you are a developer or familiar with the tools for some other reason, you can build your 4.3 kernel and its faster. Download the latest sources and find a guide online for building the kernel. It took me some time to build and run the new kernel but it did allow me to get better utilization of the CPU and graphics card.

Level 7
^^ Install the Intel video drivers and use them as default video drivers.
Bumblebee does not work properly with the latest generation of NVidia video cards and you should not load it as a daemon on start-up.
To start an application with the Nvidia driver i suggest you to:
1. Manually Start bumblebee,
2. Use optirun to start your application like:
optirun blender
3. After you finish working with this application you should manually stop the bumblebee. (I am not sure if this work. The system may hang when shutting down but as long as you not keep the bumblebee service on start up there shouldn't be any bigger issues.)

The problem that i had with bumblebee was that the system hangs when i try to login. But if i stop bumblebee form the console before i login and start it after i login - there was no problem, except that the system hangs when i shut it down. So yes - manually starting and stopping the bumblebee service - only when i need it. Otherwise i use the Intel driver for not so much GPU power consuming applications.

I've tried to use only the NVidia driver without the intel's one, but that did not lead to succes.

About the kernel try to use the latest and greatest version of it - it had better support for the hardware. You know that the skylake processor is pretty new and requires time to implement all the cool features in the linux kernel and after that reach to stable linux distributions like debian...

The suggested kernel options by vishneda works pretty well with kernel 4.3
"nouveau.modeset=0 tpm_tis.interrupts=0 acpi_osi=! acpi_backlight=native i915.preliminary_hw_support=1 idle=nomwait"


It looks like that when Linux kernel 4.6 is out we could use the nouveau driver instead of Nvidia. but the performance wouldn't be that great.

Finally, I have managed to solve the issue. The problem was with xserver-xorg-video-intel package. It was not up to date.
Below steps for those who also want to install Debian on this laptop:
1. Install the latest version of Debian with xfce (currently it is 8.3)
2. Add Jessie backports site to sources.list
3. Perform the following commands:
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get upgrade
# sudo apt-get -t Jessie-backports update
# sudo apt-get -t Jessie-backports upgrade
# sudo apt-get install Linux-image-amd64
4. Modify /etc/default/grub using the following options:
nouveau.modeset=0 acpi_osi=! acpi_backlight=native idle=nomwait
5. Perform:
# sudo update-grub
6. Reboot the system

Touchpad still does not work.
GeForce functionality should be run with bumblebee support as it was mentioned before.


Ubuntu 16.04 works really well with this laptop everything including touchpad works fine but, I have to run with nouveau.modeset=0, I have tried various Nvidia driver installation methods but all of them seem to fail, has anyone been successful

Level 7
Hello guys.
I have managed to make the touchpad working by switching the input packages from "xf86-input-evdev" to "xf86-input-libinput".
I am using Archlinux and I am not vegan.

"xf86-input-libinput" is a thin wrapper around libinput and allows for libinput to be used for input devices in X. This driver can be used as as drop-in replacement for evdev and synaptics.

"libinput" is a library to handle input devices in Wayland compositors and to provide a generic X.Org input driver. It provides device detection, device handling, input device event processing and abstraction so minimize the amount of custom input code compositors need to provide the common set of functionality that users expect.

I guess you may find similar articles about your distributions.
Good luck 🙂

So I have an upgraded version of the same laptop basically and my issue is:
Understanding the lingo lol.
I'm pretty computer savvy but the issue I'm faced with is I don't know where to start. Anyone facing this issue and that has solved it would you mind putting a step by step solution on here? Programs to download and run and where to go into the bios and all that good stuff.
I would appreciate this greatly!! I have installed ubuntu before on my other laptops but I just can't get this to work): I've been googling things forever (roughly 5 hours now) and made progress, whatever that means.
Well enough of that if you guys can help I will be forever in your debt.
One last thing, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS. Thanks in advance guys!!

aigamboa wrote:
So I have an upgraded version of the same laptop basically and my issue is:
Understanding the lingo lol.
I'm pretty computer savvy but the issue I'm faced with is I don't know where to start. Anyone facing this issue and that has solved it would you mind putting a step by step solution on here? Programs to download and run and where to go into the bios and all that good stuff.
I would appreciate this greatly!! I have installed ubuntu before on my other laptops but I just can't get this to work): I've been googling things forever (roughly 5 hours now) and made progress, whatever that means.
Well enough of that if you guys can help I will be forever in your debt.
One last thing, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS. Thanks in advance guys!!

After doing some more research I stumble upon an article that may help people in my situation. I'll attach the link: