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GPUtweek 2 strangeness

Level 7
Hi all first post in quite a while !
im havng issues with gpu tweek 2 on my strix 1080 TI,
it ran for weeks perfectly then its started taking ages to open GPUT2 then one day the program must have flipped out in the background and the GPu fans did not come on i noticed just as the computer went to emergency shutdown. shortly after GPUT2 then it wouldent open at all.

i removed it had driver issues on re install fixed that re installed GPUT2 and also updated the nvidia experiance and driver app.

everything is running fine again it seems but wow my temps are like 10 degrees hotter than before i have to now use a manual fan curve to keep them at high 70s ish in the forest . before i was runing like high 60s .

any thoughts ? now writing this maybe this is a hardware issue so may be moved .... can you cook a card and ruin the paste ?