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GPUTweakII Version [Report all issues in this thread]

Level 14
A new version of GPUTweakII Version

Fix bug: User account setting message shows every time when Windows start. (Win 10 RS3)


Report any anomalies and issues here. Also please also write downs the good news.

Please check your GPU HelpDesk Download website to get the correct one. (just in case)
Learn, Play Enjoy! We help and collaborate, NOT complain!

Xnergy wrote:
For me it doesn't matter what version i install, i always get this installshield message:

Error 1608: unable to create InstallDriver instance, return code -2147221021

I tried everything there is to find on the web about this, but none have succeeded. I'm running Windows 10 Pro x64 with Asus Strix x99 and ROG STRIX-GTX1070-O8G-GAMING gpu.

Anyone here knows how to fix this? Also i find that other Asus software is very unstable, Ai Suite 3 and Aura are all not functioning as it should in my opinion. 😞

Thanks for all the help i can get.

Exact same issue here.

I tried uninstalling old version (because I was getting the GPUFan have stopped working error) through Programs and features. Failed with the message that the program was not propperly uninstalled. So I deleted the folder. Probably should not have done that.

Oh well, I hope someon can help me remove whats left of the old version so I can install again.


Level 9
Thanks Asus, this version does not start maximized at startup windows like the others. Now, note 10.

frederickpca wrote:
Thanks Asus, this version does not start maximized at startup windows like the others. Now, note 10.

Does this stop the UAC prompt from Win 10 FCU at start up?
One of the reasons Im hanging back at 1703. Nothing more annoying that having to deal with a UAC prompt just by starting up and ASUS in their infinite wisdom has made it where you have to run resource hogging software in the background just to get the clock rates you paid for......BAD CALL! One thing to make it tweakable where you can push it harder but defaults should be obtainable out of the box with no software running in the background necessary.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Level 12
New version works here. thanks.

Level 7
I have been using GPU tweak by 2 years along with my Strix 980T
Hhavent turn on GPU tweak in 2 weeks or so, maybe since Windows Recently Fall Update, just executed GPU tweak and this happened, desktop slow responsivenes, lag and tray icons not appear.
Uninstalled updated and reinstalled last version of GPU tweak, also reinstalled drivers but no solution. Cant load GPU tweak for now.

Had to Kill DWM.exe and all back to normal.
UPDATE: After i Restart DWM.exe i can open GPu tweak and play with it, and issue no longer happens, so just occurs first time i open it.

Just got my Strix Vega 56 in and.. GPUTweakII is throwing up
Load vender.dll Fail. Please install VGA driver.

as well as Asus Aura not detecting it.

Level 8
After the latest Windows patch to stop the security vulnerability I now get this:

Carbonicdk wrote:
After the latest Windows patch to stop the security vulnerability I now get this:

Same here. I can CONFIRM that.
Learn, Play Enjoy! We help and collaborate, NOT complain!

Itzycharles wrote:
Same here. I can CONFIRM that.

I am also seeing the same message after the reboot from the Windows Update.

I then tried upgrading to that latest release of GPU Tweak 2 and that had zero impact on the issue.

Itzycharles wrote:
Same here. I can CONFIRM that.

Same issue here, now I have 2 case fans that aren't working as they are tied to the GPU! Hopefully this can be fixed pretty quickly!