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g75vx have no recovery partitions for Windows 8

Level 7
i want to make a recovery DVD / USB for my current windows version in case of a Refresh / Factory Rest needed from bootable DVD / USB in case Windows dead .

Asus Laptops shipped with WIN 8, product Key no longer on the bottom ; so you can't download the media from Microsoft using it.
Also if i tried to get product key from PC Info; "more info" don't exist behind the windows activation prompt, so i can't get the product key.

Finally using the recover drive tool "recoverydrive.exe" to create a bootable USB for recovery, but i found the option "copy the recovery partition from the PC to the recovery drive" DIMMED !!!!
Which means there's no recovery partition exist as in microsoft recovery drive guide.

Surprisingly i have three partitions marked as 'recovery' (900Mb,350Mb,20Gb) as in DiskMgmt.jpg screenSHot attached !!