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Fan expert 4 (AI suite 3) dip.dll access violation at address 03F1B6FA .

Level 7
Hello forum.

I´m using my new Asus Maximus X Code Rev. 1.xx with new firmware 1401.
Intel Core i7 8700K not overclocked, corsair liquid cooling sistem,
16 Gb cosari CMK3200 XMP profile (it does not matter if I use xmp profile or not to this issue)
Enabled Intel UHD graphics 630
And Asus Nvidia Gforce GTX760-DC2 series.
Samsung ssd. and others two hdd in raid zero by segate, so you can guess I have enabled intel's raid controller.
No other board or configuration added.
HP printer connected via network.
Windows 10 april´s release version 1803 upadte 17134.137.
First time I install AI suite 3 (with older bios) it worked fine or si it looked.
When I enabled intel graphics and installed dirvers (no matter Asus or Intel) it began to crash with this error:

Access violation at address 03F1B6FA in module 'dip4.dll'. Read of address 00000000.

I updated bios willing to see it resolved my problem, but I have no luck.
I have reinstalled ten times Windows using several versions of AI Suite 3 (from 3.00.1 to 3.00.13) and several versions of drivers from the originals at DVD to any one I can get from Asus support page and the last I've found in this forum (AI_SuiteIII_20180213), I always get the same error no matter if I activate o disable intel graphics, if I install drivers or not, if I install or not rapid storage software, removed XMP profile, let AI suite overclock my system, and any other combination you can image.
The fact is that there is no casue-error diganostics I can provide.
So I am deeply heart broken with this annoyng behaviour.

Thanks for your support.
Best regards,

Level 13
This is why I dont use AI Suite, Alwyas probems like this.
Only thing I can suggest is to uninstall AI suite using the cleaner
Get everything else up and running first then go to your motherboard support page aand download the latest version and install it.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein

Dear Justin
I have tried this utility as well and is quite incomplete
1It only erases the folder related with Ai Suite (c:\programfiles-x68\Asus\Aisuite\) Note: why 32 bits programs still?

2This utility does not delete services in registry (you must use sc delete "servicename" one by one provided by asus utility two at least)
3 It does not delete scheduled tasks to launch gpufanhelper and aisuite.

Besides you have to use ccleaner or other utility laike that to remove lots of values in registry left by unistall procedure (I have count more tha 200 values).
Whe aI said i have reintalled 10 times Windows 10 it was true.
I have isntalled last version 3.00.14 from asuus download page with the same frustrating result.
Tomorrow I plan to roll back my bios to previous version an reinstall, but I am sure tha it is a problem due to a bad programmed dip4.dll. I think it is clear with the proof printscreeen I have posted an it is not a problem of mine.

I will keep you informed,

Level 7
If you have the chance to update, please do - I have the same problems and the cleaner is indeed useless...