The work flow is backwards for color picking or needs adjustment. Say i want to apply different colors to different addresses (RGB Memory for example), but some of the same colors. I have to go to each rgb item and adjust the colors it would be nice to be able to select a set of addresses to apply the colors to instead of going to each one and applying the same settings multiple times. If i want everything one color that is fine, but I don't always want one color.
My computer runs 24/7 for various reasons, and it gets really annoying turning the lights off when I walk away, plus I often forget. It's in a shared space, so I need to find a way to make sure the lights are off. Would it be possible to add a feature where you can have aura sync turn off when the screen goes to sleep in Windows, and on when it's awake? I imagine there's other people who would benefit from that sort of thing. Thanks.
I think the ability to save lighting presets into a custom settings menu would be nice. I like to take the time to set the individual LEDs to different colours but I'd like to be able to save the whole lighting setup to be able to come back to it later.
None of those option are working right!! oh god! you know how G.skill trident rgb is working by default? that nice rainbow sequence? asus aura on rainbow? it looks like crap! the sequence is not fluid at all! you have 2 graphic cards? Aura decides to work only for one! what is this? set it for flash and dash. aura decides that it should jump to rainbow by it's own. SRSLY? In the end i had to set all these leds to off. u think this worked? No. the second gpu is still lit. I wonder if i'll live long enough to see it working.
zenith 2 Rx 580 8gb g.skill trident rgb why did i even bought dis sheet? plus 6 hd120 fans. in the end all these leds are OFF.
I would love to see more inclusion of 3rd party products (fans, speakers, etc). I have a feeling this is more up to said 3rd party companies utilizing the Aura SDK into their products than it is up to you guys to seek them out, but I would kill to have my Sound Blaster X Katana in sync with my hardware and other peripherals.
rather than explain my idea... i made a video about it. examples at end. video took forever, because i'm having issues with my build which i posted in the OC'ing section.