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Asus ROG 5870 Platinum + GPU Tweaker Not Opening?

Level 7
Ok, so here's the deal. I've tried all the solutions posted for GPU Tweak not opening, and not a single one has worked for me. GPU tweak will open as a process, and will close. No window is shown.

I paid $500 for this card and every software I've ran into by you guys is lousy, buggy, or does not work. GPU tweak is actually something that looks decent and could be the MSI Afterburner replacement for me. iTracker 2 is awful and destroyed my last Windows installation.

If you can't fix this problem, then can someone give me a software I could use to change voltages and overclock that works properly?

Stuff I've tried:
-MSI AfterBurner
-ATi Tray Tools
-Sapphire TriXX
-Asus SmartDoctor

The only two that have worked are Afterburner and TriXX, but they don't have voltage control support for my card. The other two just crash on me, and don't open.

Thanks in advanced.


I found out why SmartDoctor and iTracker don't work, it's because I'm not using your drivers most likely. You should make your software accessible even without the outdated drivers you post, because what are the chances people are going to use your old drivers over the new AMD ones when there's no performance gain from yours? You should engineer these cards to work with the software with or without your drivers.

Level 40
Strange that you can not get your card to work with any of the software.

I have the same card.
I downloaded the AMD drivers CCC12.3
Installed Afterburner
Enabled the AMD unofficial support option. Google is your friend
Overclocked the card, changed the voltage and all.

Quick question how long have you had the graphic card?
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

I've had it for a little over two years now, I regret getting it because it was not worth the extra $100..
Anyhow, does it work with CCC 12.4? And what MSI AfterBurner are you using? Did you ever install the drivers Asus provides on your current windows installation? Maybe send me your Afterburner .cfg?

And you have the platinum correct?

Level 40
I use the drivers from AMD. I have never and will never use the graphic drivers that are found on any vendors site simply because with graphic drivers the latest are most often the most efficient for benching. (well almost always)

As to the cfg file, if you do not have the nous to edit and type in the disclaimer yourserlf yourself then you should not be changing the voltages on your card. I know that sounds a bit off, but seriously if you kill your card because you push too much voltage and I provided you with the means of doing so then I am partly to blame. I hope you can understand that.

The card does work with CCC 12.4 and even the 12.6 offical beta drivers. I can confirm this personally.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

HiVizMan wrote:
I use the drivers from AMD. I have never and will never use the graphic drivers that are found on any vendors site simply because with graphic drivers the latest are most often the most efficient for benching. (well almost always)

As to the cfg file, if you do not have the nous to edit and type in the disclaimer yourserlf yourself then you should not be changing the voltages on your card. I know that sounds a bit off, but seriously if you kill your card because you push too much voltage and I provided you with the means of doing so then I am partly to blame. I hope you can understand that.

The card does work with CCC 12.4 and even the 12.6 offical beta drivers. I can confirm this personally.

Well if you just send me a screenshot or post the text here, wouldn't it be my fault for copying it?

Maybe I did something wrong with MSI AfterBurner. Are you using the beta or 2.2.1? I'm curious to know your OC settings as well for the card.

Level 40
I gave you a big hint in my first reply by the way. Google how to "enable unofficial AMD support" seriously just google and you will be good to go.

I have a couple of afterburners that I use but you should be good to go with the latest official version.

You will need to disable CCC overdrive of course.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

HiVizMan wrote:
I gave you a big hint in my first reply by the way. Google how to "enable unofficial AMD support" seriously just google and you will be good to go.

I have a couple of afterburners that I use but you should be good to go with the latest official version.

You will need to disable CCC overdrive of course.

Am I doing something wrong?

Overdrive disabled, latest Afterburner, latest AMD Drivers.

Btw, did you install the latest bios for the card? Could that be causing a problem with voltage detection? If there's one thing I noticed, I was able to change the VDDIC voltage or something like that in Sapphire TriXX.

One more thing, I cannot see core voltage or memory voltage in GPU-Z, is that normal or not?

Ok, so after being fed up talking with Asus Support, I decided to get really on this. It's ridiculous how people on the forum know so much more than the tech support people themselves.

I uninstalled my AMD Drivers, and installed the Asus ones. I'm happy to say I got iTracker working, but it just too buggy and heavy on resources to use plus it doesn't save my settings. I don't know if MSI AfterBurner is gonna work for my card, as I need to also be able to swap timings on the card and the voltage issue is still there for me. I read somewhere Asus GPU Tweak can change timings.

But now that those drivers are installed, I do see a slight difference when GPUTweak is executed. GPUtweak opens a program called "2DPainting.exe" but I still don't see any window.

I saw starting at 2.0 and upgrading to whatever edition after worked for others.

Anyways, I'll try Asus SmartDoctor.

Seriously, no one should have to face this much difficulty especially when you paid for a $500 card.

EDIT: Alright, even better news.

I got GPU Tweak 1.1 working!

I gradually updated to 2.0.83 and it was still working. Once I did 2.1.24, it stopped working on me.

Well that's ok, but what kills it now is the fact it doesn't support my card. I get it Asus, you don't want to add the older GPUs, but you should do us a favor and trash all the other software you've made for GPUs and make this the best you'll ever have. This was the first time I actually liked a piece of software from Asus. Sad thing is, my GPU has a voltage limit with this software and doesn't even show memory voltage?!

Totally killed it. If Afterburner doesn't work this one last time, I'm just gonna pray this software gets support for my video card (yeah because ASUS always listens and cares about their customers).

I really hope it works this time..

Nope, did everything and it still doesn't work. No voltages at all. On the other hand, atleast my system knows the card is by Asus. 😛

Level 40
If you really want to push your vcore then please download AMD GPU Tool and use that with Afterburner in combination. AMD GPU tool will allow you to push the voltages and Afterburner the frequency. There is no memory voltage adjustments as I recall.


Full format of hardware database VRM detection override entry is:

__Detection =

So for uP6208 controlling VDDC and residing at I2C address 46h it should look like:

VDDC_uP6208_Detection = 46h

You can change voltage 1.1V - 1.3V
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

Well, now the core voltage is changable, it's still limited to 1.2V. That is the case for both MSI Afterburner and AMD GPU Clock Tool. I'm pretty sure only Asus software is capable of properly using the voltage control pass that as the voltage chip is most likely a unique model.

Thank you for the help you given.

This is something Asus needs to fix themselves, but I guess for now this should do. I shouldn't have to use their drivers to use their software, that's completely bogus. Atleast MSI Afterburner OPENS with the standard drivers.

I'm never buying a graphics card from Asus again until they up the software quality. Hell, I'm probably gonna stay away from AMD for a while. I had less problems with Nvidia.

And I had to download a rom from TechPowerUp to update to the latest bios. I mean seriously, all the software is ATi Winflash all bundled in an .exe with auto flashing. Atleast give a rom incase things go wrong. I almost went as far as flashing custom bios...