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Asus G75VW Won't boot from disc

Level 7
I turned on CSM and disabled secure boot.

However, when it tries to read to disc in dos prompt it says "Not bootable media, please insert bootable media or restart."

I had this problem previously and learned to boot from USB trying to install Linux.

I am now trying to install WIndows from disc and am given the same prompt, the computer will not boot from disc.

I am working on USB alternatives at the moment but any solution to boot from disc would be appreciated.

Why won't these computers boot from disc? It's absurd. I put it in my Mothers dell and it fired Windows 7 Setup instantly.

Level 10
G75VW and G55VW can have problems with the DVD drive. I do for example have to clean the laser eye on my G55VW from time to time or it won't work.
You could take a look at this thread an see if it helps:

That didn't work AND it scatched the disc when I put it back in. It made a funny noise and I still got the "Input bootable media" dos prompt. Working on ripping the ISO from the disc now to make a bootable usb.

I hope it works, nothing is ever simple anymore. Particularly when I downgraded from windows 10 and it corrupted my hard drive in the first place.

One can't simply put the disc in and expect things to work as they did in the days of old.


I finally got into windows setup up and it says it's missing drivers.

Tried all solutions I found, sata drivers - ect.. Nothing. So I'm stuck on Ubuntu and can't play GTA V.

Well I think window 10 will need to run UEFI, and that seems to be the issue. UEFI and BIOS won't mix for a bootable disk. Your OS 10 Should be UEFI GPT! Data drives don't matter. USB Install media seems to me much faster and more reliable as DVD are so sensitive to scratches etc.
If you want to continue with Window 10 preview I would suggest that your go to the Windows 10 Forum there is excellent tutorial for installing and working around the issues and knowing when update versions come out.

All Your hardware drivers wil be found here Asus Support Downloads If your going with 10 download the win 8 driver that are not upgraded to 8.1 so download the 8.1 driver first then fill in what's missing from the win 8 downloads.

I think Win 7 sp1 that originally came with the G75VW was set up UEFI but a lot of people not understand how to work with UEFI reinstalled BIOS MBR
Win 8 and 10 just work better UEFI I'm not sure that 10 even has a MBR version

So is you want to go back with Win 8 I suggest you check out the Windows 8 Forum

We have this thread that was put together from multiple threads back in 2012 and 2013 were we all worked through installing window 8 and 7 its a bit to read but very well put together by Rewben and solves all the issues of UEFI and installing Win 7 UEFI and Window 8 UEFI and MBR.

one other thing when your booting from either USB or DVD, hit th power button and ESC button that will bring up a boot menu from there you would Select UEFI UBS Or UEFI DVD for UEFI or USB or DVD for MBR once you get th install started enter language and then hit F10 this will bring up Command prompt from that command prompt run Diskpart

C:\> Diskpart

DISKPART> list disk
DISKPART> select disk (id)
DISKPART> convert mbr (or gpt)
exit and continue the windows install

Another tip remove any drives besides the hard drive/SSD you are installing window on. once your installed and booting good then you can put your DATA drive back in. then on the next boot up use the F10 routine and select your Current C:\ drive to boot from.
G752VY-DH72 Win 10 Pro
512 GB M.2 Samsung 960 Pro
1 TB Samsung 850 pro 2.5 format
980m GTX 4 GB
32GB DDR 4 Standard RAM

Z97 PRO WiFi I7 4790K
Windows 10 Pro
Z97 -A
Windows 10 Pro