08:20 AM
- last edited on
07:54 PM
10-31-2018 09:05 AM
11-02-2018 04:44 PM
BillBittel@Me.com wrote:
I am sorry you are going through this, especially with a Max XI board. I do not see that you tried re-flashing the BIOS. I would try that, or as last resort - re-flash the Aura chip. I guess you could RMA the board but I imagine you do not want to do that, and there is no guarantee that the problem is the board.
Another idea - I looked through your posts and see that you are using Themaltake Riing Plus Fans with the Thermaltake TT Sync controller. I don't know anything about those products but maybe that is what is screwing things up. I assume the TT fans or controller have to plug into an Aura header for Aura to control them. You could try disconnecting the TT fan LED connections and see if you can get the board, RAM and GPU to show up in v1.07.22.
11-02-2018 11:06 AM
11-02-2018 05:27 PM
BillBittel@Me.com wrote:
Update - PWNSENSEI, who has been fighting the exact same problem posted this solution. I have not tried this but if you are stuck and BEFORE you try re-flashing the Aura chip, try this.
Found a solution:
>Run Aura Cleaner
>Navigate explorer to extracted Aura folder installer (Lighting_Control_1.07.22\LightingService\aac) and run each executable inside of the folder, uninstall all of them when prompted.
>Cleanup Registry with Ccleaner
>Install Aura
Now it should work.
If it doesn't it means the installer fails to install all the modules within the "aac" directory we have navigated to before. In that case, run each of those executables once again and restart Aura.
I urge Asus to fix the uninstall process of their Aura software as well as their Ai Suite software. Updating or solving problems is a real pain in the ass for experienced users, imagine how awful it must be for most users who don't even know how to get around
11-03-2018 04:34 PM
loquacious wrote:
At long last !!!!! a solution that worked for me. By individually running each needed executable in the "aac" directory I finally after 3 reboots got my Motherboard, RAM, addressable leds and GPU to show up and can control them all. THANK YOU !!!!!!
11-04-2018 03:36 PM
07-12-2019 03:52 PM
08-08-2019 04:54 AM
PimpChicken wrote:
After following all these steps, I'm still getting the same issue.
Anything else I can try? I also had to run through these steps to even get Aura to launch because Windows 10 was blocking it: https://mynuuo.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000764413-How-to-disable-UAC-for-a-specific-program
I did update the BIOS on my Vega 64 a while back, but I'm not sure if this would cause an issue?
08-08-2019 05:08 AM