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ASUS Aura ISSUE fix for no compatiable devices.

Level 7

ASUS AURA no compatible devices found issue???
Maybe this could be a sticky maybe it will help someone else.
So after downloading the lighting control app, extracting and installing, you get a no compatiable devices found error. What to do next? I will share what worked for me.
Before extracting the file, you must right click and check the unblock option on bottom right in the properties screen. Then once extracted open the unblocked extracted file and double click the asus setup and let it run, then reboot. When you open it this time it should see your rgb devices and allow you to control the speed and colors etc

I have shared a little video on how to do this. I wanted to recreate the issue but now that it has been installed once correctly it will not reproduce the no compatiable device. My issue was with brand new build first time installing aura.

Level 10
Thanks for sharing the solution to the community.

I have a question through, to know what are your system specs, and which devices are AURA sync.

Usually, the "Unable to obtain the AURA-enabled device information". only occur when using keyboard / mouse AURA sync devices only.
And don't forget, Keep pushing it !

AkaNe@Asus wrote:
Thanks for sharing the solution to the community.

I have a question through, to know what are your system specs, and which devices are AURA sync.

Usually, the "Unable to obtain the AURA-enabled device information". only occur when using keyboard / mouse AURA sync devices only.


The issue first showed up the very first time I installed the Aura software. The mainboard rgb was the x370-f gaming and the case (cooler master - masterbox pro rgb)had three led fans attached to a 3 in 1 rgb connector to the motherboard rgb header. That was the only rgb devices. So jot only would it not see my asus mainboard it didnt see that something was plugged into the rgb header.

Once I performed the steps to fix the issue, which I found else where online after a google search. The Aura wotked as it should and allowed control of the fans and mainboard leds.

Is that helpful, you maybe able to google and see others have had the same issue. I checked the stickys here and seen that no kne had shared the info so I thought I would make a quick video and write the steps out in here.

Not 100% of message i see but basically aura would open and give a message like or " no devices" until i unblocked the zip and then extracted.

Has anyine tried this fix or seen a similiar error

Level 7
Yes I have the same problem but I cannot find the "unblock" option. No idea what to do at the moment. I have the latest Aura software on an Asus ROG Maximus XI Hero motherboard.

Level 12
Right click the Lighting_Control_1.07.22.rar file and select Properties. Unblock should be down on the bottom right of the General Tab of Properties.

FWIW, I recently installed this version on my Max X Hero wifi and it seems to work fine. So far, handle count is not creeping up like it has in earlier versions.Memory usage seems steady too so hopefully no memory leaks with this version. I do need to look at CPU usage for various LED presets as some are more demanding than others. I will say that most of the Asus LED presents are pretty lame. Other solutions offer much more granular control, and have better presets.

What I really wish is that Asus would get serious about the Aura SDK. Their developer forum threads are devoid of recent comments from Asus. The author of SIV wants to interface with and control Aura devices like he did with Corsair Link products. He has been asking for a 64-bit SDK. So far, silence. I thought Asus encouraged 3rd party adoption of Aura, so why do they ignore the Aura SDK forum?

BTW - Good luck with your Max XI Hero. I have my eye on that board. wrote:
Right click the Lighting_Control_1.07.22.rar file and select Properties. Unblock should be down on the bottom right of the General Tab of Properties.

FWIW, I recently installed this version on my Max X Hero wifi and it seems to work fine. So far, handle count is not creeping up like it has in earlier versions.Memory usage seems steady too so hopefully no memory leaks with this version. I do need to look at CPU usage for various LED presets as some are more demanding than others. I will say that most of the Asus LED presents are pretty lame. Other solutions offer much more granular control, and have better presets.

What I really wish is that Asus would get serious about the Aura SDK. Their developer forum threads are devoid of recent comments from Asus. The author of SIV wants to interface with and control Aura devices like he did with Corsair Link products. He has been asking for a 64-bit SDK. So far, silence. I thought Asus encouraged 3rd party adoption of Aura, so why do they ignore the Aura SDK forum?

BTW - Good luck with your Max XI Hero. I have my eye on that board.

As you can see I do not have that option, so I am guessing it is already unblocked. I have tried everything to get this working but all I can do at the moment is revert back to 1.06.17 which at least recognises my Gskill ram, motherboard and LEDs. My graphics card and fans just do not appear and if I use a later version NOTHING is recognised. wrote:
What I really wish is that Asus would get serious about the Aura SDK. Their developer forum threads are devoid of recent comments from Asus. The author of SIV wants to interface with and control Aura devices like he did with Corsair Link products. He has been asking for a 64-bit SDK. So far, silence. I thought Asus encouraged 3rd party adoption of Aura, so why do they ignore the Aura SDK forum?

Or just get serious about the Sync software in general. It's honestly a joke that software for controlling a major selling point/feature on $300-$500 motherboards is this awful and devoid of features at this point. No ability to set different effects on different 'zones' (despite documentation on older versions seemingly implying that is possible, verbiage that disappeared without comment later...), hosts of complaints about it flat-out not working or worse, corrupting firmware/controllers, and the major point of support is someone on the forums directing people to a Google Drive link with a "Cleaner" .exe that has to be run with admin rights and no way of verifying it's not malicious...I'm wondering if there's been silence on the SDK because exposing that to other devs would allow them to see what an unstable state Aura is currently in.

Level 12
Yeah I know the Unlock option is not always there. That box being there is a Windows security thing but I don't know specifically what set of conditions cause it to appear (or not).

When I downloaded v1.07.22 zip file I forgot to even check the Unlock box and just unzipped the file. I uninstalled v1.07.17 from Control Panel, then ran the Aura Cleaner utility, then rebooted. Then I installed v1.07.22 (right click AsusSetup.exe and run as admin) and rebooted again. This time it worked. In the past it hasn't (not this version) and starting over and un-checking Unlock did make a difference. That said, you don't have an Unlock box to check, so...

Aura LEDs can be programmed in the BIOS to be on or off when the computer is powered down. These settings are retained even when the BIOS is not loaded. The Aura chip is doing things when OS and BIOS are not active and motherboard is (mostly) powered down. Some of the things it is doing can be programmed by the user, so data is written to the chip. I think if things get buggered up on the chip, you can end up in a situation like you are currently experiencing.

I suggest complete shut down and unplug from wall for 15 min or more, then plug in and power the board, CLR CMOS, and maybe even re-flash the BIOS. If it doesn't start working after that, Final Option.

Final Option - You can re-flash the Aura Chip. I had to do this in December of last year. Here is the link to the instructions. This is for when "RGB lighting stops working on your board and you tried everything else (updating to latest AURA and motherboard BIOS version, toggling lighting on/off)". Try at your own risk. It did work for me on my Max X Hero wifi when I did it.

Good luck!

edit to add - I don't know if this method is still valid, or if what firmware it writes to the Aura chip is current, or compatible with your Z390 board. If you want to try this, I would Google it and maybe ask on this forum or others. It worked on my Max X Hero wifi in December 2017, but that is all I can guarantee.

Level 7
I have uninstalled Aura, shut down and pulled the plug for over 30 mins. I have then used Aura cleaner to make sure Aura is GONE. I then reinstalled the software, shut down again and pulled the plug and waited for all lights to go out on the motherboard, then rebooted and tried Aura only to get this !!! I am at my wits end especially because lighting control version 1.06.17 actually works but it does not see my graphics card or fans, it sees the motherboard leds and the ram leds and the led strip and I can change their colours but I have no way of changing the colours of the fans which are now permanently "rainbow" and the graphics card which I cannot change from red. I have an Asus ROG Maximus XI Hero board on the latest bios. I have literally spent hours on this to no avail so would appreciate any suggestions / help. I am going to try uninstall AI Suite to see if that helps but somehow I doubt it will.