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Armoury and Aura Sync

Level 8
Ok, i am a long time lurker with Aura features, bugs and limitations so i won't begin to cry.

The fact is i bought a gladius 2 for the sole purpose of having it to sync with Aura.
It.... Works... If you are not too much ocd as there is no way in aura to tweak the lighting zone, but ok i can live with this.

What i can't live with is the fact that if mouse sync is enabled in aura, armoury won't start at startup AND won't load the mouse profile.

I just can't believe such a flaw could even pass QC but reading this forum show me how much software development teams at asus seem to work in their corners without any kind of coordination...

I just have a simple question though :

Is there a way to postpone asus lighting service (aura) to run before Armoury so it would allow it to load the mouse profile before being "killed" by Aura.

For now i have AT EACH STARTUPS to unsync the mouse, launch Armoury, then relaunch Aura and re sync the mouse.

Come on, that is just unacceptable. You are very good at marketing, your hardware is great but there is a LOT to improve in the software department.

Thanks for any insight for solving this "issue".

Sent from my XT1562 using Tapatalk

Community Admin
Community Admin
Kh3pra wrote:
Sorry but I have to disagree, Aura and Armoury don't work toghether properly. Armoury function is not only to set the lighting, you have multiple functions that you can't acess whily aura is in sync. What the Armoury should do is to disable only the Sync tab, not stop us from using the rest of the functions.

Additionally, when I boot up windows (10) the Gladius II won't be picked up by the Armoury until I unplug it and plug it again. Even then sometimes it won't work.
I would expect a better quality of software.

My setup is GL504GM SCAR II with the Gladius II
Do you have a timetable for these issues to be fixed?


Are you using Gladius II or Gladius II Origin?
Do you have the latest versions firmware and Armoury?
My previous statement was referring to the Armoury software and Aura software (not Aura lighting). You will have to disable synchronized Aura lighting effects when making changes to the settings.
FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin

MasterC@ASUS wrote:
Are you using Gladius II or Gladius II Origin?
Do you have the latest versions firmware and Armoury?
My previous statement was referring to the Armoury software and Aura software (not Aura lighting). You will have to disable synchronized Aura lighting effects when making changes to the settings.


I'm using Gladius II and yes, all the latest version of firmware and Armoury.
-Aura Service - 3.02.23
-ROG Aura Core - from Windows Store
-ROG Gaming Center - 2.5.7
-ROG Armoury - 2.06.06
-Gladius II firmware version - 0186

Currently in the ROG Aura Core I have the Aura sync disabled (in the Sync settings) and even then when I restart windows, I still have to unplug and plug again the Gladius or else it will be controled by Aura instead of being controled by Armoury. Sometimes, even with the Aura Sync disabled, I still get the error when starting Armoury and only a reboot will fix the problem.

Sebastian1989101 wrote:
From a developer standpoint: Woldnt't it be easier to check if AURA software is installed, active and uses one of the devices from the Armoury software and if this is the case just disable the lightning section within Armoury? Belive it or not but it is possible that software communicate with each other (inter process communictation). I don't know why this is so hard for a company like ASUS. Disabling a portion of a software due to some conditions can even be done by any untrained software developer and I guess you guys using well trained engineers to build your software.

I totally agree with Sebastian1989101.
Nowadays it's really easy to do this, and this simple step would greatly increase the value of the application (talking from an user point of view). It makes no sense to have multiple devices from the same company that should be able to work toghether but can't due to software design, maybe it would be acceptable 20 years ago, but not since the last decade.



-ROG Armoury - 3.00.16
-Gladius II firmware version - 0193

Latest version of the software and firmware and still got this issue. MasterC@ASUS can you help?

I have the same problem, two years later...
I can’t really understand how such a mess up is even possible. Congrats for that!

If you enter the ROG universe you have to install a software for every single product, which will break all others.
And all the software is total inconsistent. For example, you deactivate the COMPLETE Armoury software because it’s RGB is synced in Aura? Why is this behavior completely inconsistent with LiveDash and Aura? If I sync my AIO (Ryujin) in Aura, I can still change RGB in LiveDash and everything is messed.
Why do I even need to install a separate software for everything? They could just create one software with multiple optional modules and group same functionality together.
I’m pretty sure the software manufacturers of Aura doesn’t even know that the Armoury software exist.
There is so much potional in this ecosystem.

But we can complain as much as we want, they don’t care, as all posts over the last two years have already shown.
Maybe they just need to learn it the hard lesson and we should stop buying this great products which are totally worth in price.:rolleyes:
*Just my 2 cents.*

Level 7
I found a solution to this problem.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ROG Armoury an delete or move "Mutually Exclusive AURA Agent.exe"
Now you can use ROG Armoury to set up your keyboard and mouse and use AURA to adjust the backlight.
After reboot you can receive a message Like a "File Not Found" but this does not affect the work. In order for this message not to appear, i am replaced the file with a blank .exe with the same name.
As you can see, I have open both programs:

Level 7
From a developer standpoint: Woldnt't it be easier to check if AURA software is installed, active and uses one of the devices from the Armoury software and if this is the case just disable the lightning section within Armoury? Belive it or not but it is possible that software communicate with each other (inter process communictation). I don't know why this is so hard for a company like ASUS. Disabling a portion of a software due to some conditions can even be done by any untrained software developer and I guess you guys using well trained engineers to build your software.

It's so sad that ASUS ROG has such great monitors and pc internal components (well, the quality control could be improved on these a lot too) while the periphal devices are all just garbage. If I just would know this sooner.. (ROG Centurion -> Full of Audio Bugs and a totally unuseable mic even after 2 repairs it still sounds much worse then any 5$ headset; ROG Spatha -> regular problems with the Sync to the Dock, I'm currently on my 7th RMA for this Mouse because at some point it won't sync at all anymore; GK2000 -> Already on my 3th RMA and the 3th time some keys start sending the signal multiple times; All that combined with buggy software all over the place).