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Alternative SDK for Aura

Level 8
I have found a way to create an SDK that can do just as much as the Aura software. The trick is to communicate directly with the COM object (AsRogAuraServiceLib), which is in charge of controlling the hardware. This allows you to pragmatically set effects or make your own configuration tool. I will be posting a link to a github repository with the code, once I have a working demo.

Level 7
@CX gamer DRAM works with the existing code...

~~@boredom101 do you have a full list on the xml options??~~
edit: nm I found it
I am an electrical engineer to save time let's assume I am always right!

Level 7
the sdk from black ops 4 is able to do that so could we not work it out with that one somehow?

crashniels wrote:
the sdk from black ops 4 is able to do that so could we not work it out with that one somehow?

From my understanding the problem with the DRAM is that you need is that you need I short of key to access the dram leds,
cause Windows prevents to directly write to the SPD values.

I am an electrical engineer to save time let's assume I am always right!

asder98 wrote:
From my understanding the problem with the DRAM is that you need is that you need I short of key to access the dram leds,
cause Windows prevents to directly write to the SPD values.


I was messing around with the code and i manged to get the device names, led count and set colors to them. only problem i get now is getting the amount of devices. right now the amount is set by me and if i run it on my friends computer it gets an access violation since it is probably trying to access a device that does not exist. What works for me is Motherboard, Dram and both ADDstrips. On my friends computer GPU is also detected before it throws an access violation. As for your require token i just set it to 1. with 0 i cannot set any colors.

Level 8
I'm working on an alternative SDK/control software that is entirely open source and will work on both Windows and Linux. The project is still in its early stages but I can control the lights and modes from both OSes already.

Level 7
How do you set the led color without using profile file?
The closest I got was with 'AuraDevelopement' interface tho it didn't change the color and the led count was incorrect...