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AI Suite 3 Version 3.00.10 & 3.00.13 - user test/report thread

Community Admin
Community Admin
Please check the product support page for your board and download Ai Suite 3.00.14 or 3.00.13 (if available).

If you have a Ryzen-based system:

Ai Suite 3.00.13 updated for compatibility with Ryzen power plans (no other changes):

FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin
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Level 8
MasterC@ASUS wrote:
After a few people tested and provided positive feedback, AI Suite 3 version 3.00.10 is now available for download. Let us know what you think!

alternative download link:

Please note that this is a beta.

Not able to download says over the limit.

Please update the ASus Rampage V Extrme mobo as well.

Where are the download links?

On the Z87 motherboard drivers and tool page it doesn't have AI Suite listed at all. It's just gone.
I have had to remove the beta because it just doesn't work with the assistant fans correctly. One fan kept going on and off by itself, and I couldn't control it in the AI Suite, so I finally had to uninstall it. I tried speedfan, but it STILL doesn't work on the Z87. Top it off, they still have the beta link on the opening post here.

So now all I have is BIOS control, which runs the case fans too fast and noisy. I am not a happy camper. I am thinking about removing a drive caddy from my computer and going back to using my fan controller. I thought we had evolved motherboards past the point where we need to have separate fan controllers, but it's not looking that way right now.

Hey ASUS (if you are listening), how about posting the links to the latest version on the opening page????? Gees, FFS, if you have to, write a little app just for the fans. Lets get them working. I mean really, all I want is to control the fans on my board. How difficult can that be in the 21st century????? NOTHING ELSE WORKS ON THIS BOARD!!!!!! I am regretting purchasing it now.

And what's up with these "modules" people are talking about over the last few pages? If the modules are not available in the download page for the motherboard, and they're not coming in the newest version of the AI Suite, then how are we supposed to get everything installed and working?

When I was going to college, taking my computer courses, results like this would have been a fail. Such a well known, experienced manufacturer failing to get a simple fan control software working on it's own products? It would be quite the joke if it wasn't for the fact I don't find it funny anymore.
I am becoming frustrated here. Not a happy camper at all.

Level 7
Im having issues with this version also cant remember what it is showing for error code i will check and post back. But i would like to say i've used Asus boards since the Nehalm processors and ive never had so many problems until this board and AI suite. Not sure whats going on but lets get it fixed . Seriously thinking of going with a different board manufacturer next time around

Hello everybody,

First thing sorry for my English, i'm French...

I finally tried the release for the Rampage V Extreme:

- AI Suite 3 v3.00.13

It seems to work with the KB4056892. But in this package, there is only the Dual Intelligent Processors 5 v1.05.13.

Where can i get and install the other modules without crashing everything ?

Second question, the Fan Tuning, works except for one Fan.
For the Chassis FAN 1A, after tuning, impossible to be go below 1250 rpm.....the other chassis FAN are at a regular speed, if i want it to be silent i have to fix was not working that way with previous version, can you help me ?


And now if i do it manually:


Help !!!!!!!!

I m just reposting this because it has the proper download links to AI Suite 3.00.10 and instructions on what has me up and running. This way you don't have to dig through the entire thread. Note that asus is having problems with the AI suite right now because of the Fall Creators update and compatibility issues. Don't install the latest version of AI Suite form the website. Use the beta 3.00.10! This was advice to me straight from ASUS.

So I’ve just finished a build and did a fresh windows 10 install and have been struggling with AI Suite 3 and Aura Sync and a few other utilities, but I feel like I’ve got it squared away now for the most part and I thought I’d share what I did with you guys.*

Maximus X Formula
32gb Gforce-Trident rgb
Windows Fall creators update and BIOS 1003*

1.Uninstall all old Asus apps using the windows uninstall tool. I didn’t edit registry or anything.
2.Download AI Suite 3.00.10 from this link (the one asus support provides wouldn’t work and said “check back in 15 hours” what a joke, go figure)*
3. After downloading, Right click on the zip file and go to properties and check the “unblock” box.
4. Unzip the AI Suite install files. Run ez update (might run on its own). This had an Intel chipset driver that the program said was new (even though I installed the chipset driver from the asus website for my board. I went ahead and installed it.
5. Got to the motherboard support page* and under utilities select “see all downloads”
6. *Install each utility you want one at a time(obviously do not install the newer AI suite that’s on this page) . Each time you download one, right click on the unzipped file and check the box that says “unblock” if it’s present, not all of them had it. Unzip it and then install by clicking on the asusinstaller file associated with that app. I went one app at a time to be sure I didn’t make a mistake. Now my Aura Sync actually works as well as the AI suite. Also, there are a couple apps that have two versions, I used the latest Aura Sync. Good luck and let me know if this helps!

Found the new version.

Used Revo uninstaller to remove the old beta version a few days ago, so I did the installation of the new version, and rebooted.

This is for a Sabertooth Z87.

At first it seemed like it was going to work. It seemed to see my assistant fans, and in the little curves it shows, it showed points indicating variable speed, and I was all happy.

Then, after labeling all the fans and indicating their positions (I did not give the assistant fans labels or positions because I am afraid to even look at them wrong or they might stop working).

I was just starting to get a smile on my face when I dared to follow instructions. A little window popped up at the bottom left side and said "now click this button to tune your fans", so I did. After the tuning, of course, the assistant fans are once again greyed out, only this time it's both of them, and they say "ASUS FAN EXTENSION CARD is required to enable these items". Of course, both fans are now running at full speed, very noisy.

Am I missing something here? Is this one of the "modules" people have been talking about?

Why are we being left to guess about this stuff? Why is there no complete package with instructions and everything needed? I really hate having my expensive computer not working properly.

Can we please get a version that works properly with the assistant fans?

Now, I'm off to uninstall this version (again). Is this ever going to be corrected? I apologize for being a little snippy, but really, how much effort does it take to get software to read address locations and data there in, compare that data to the fan curve, and then apply the resulting data to another address controlling fan speeds? I mean, it's not rocket science.

I'm going to try reinstalling it again, only this time there will be no tuning. I will try altering the curves myself and see if things work. Obviously the software is incapable of doing this properly with the assist fans.


Still no fix. They say they are working on it. Beta does not even load, much less work, on this board. This is not just about fan control. The problem has also disabled USB 3 boost and UASP. I have been in regular touch with ASUS support, and this is the latest update I received from them, on the 16th:

I appreciate your patience and for giving us time to come up with a resolution for your case. After collaborating with our support staff, we are now able to provide you with a recommendation on how to address your concern.

At this time our course of action should be as follows:

The AI Suite 3 beta is currently not available yet for all end users. SW RD is still debugging all the different environment types and will have it uploaded on our Asus Support site soon. The beta version is not stable yet:

In the meantime if needed, they can uninstall AISuite in SAFE MODE until there is a patch for the Windows KB update.
Or alternatively uninstall KB (KB4056892)

We'll continue pushing for the official release if we can get it anytime sooner.

Hope this helps.

So, I am starting to get problems with the constant uninstall and reinstall.

I usually let the app uninstall itself in Revo, then let revo remove leftovers, then reboot, then run the cleanup app. It's worked perfectly up until now.

I just had to screw around for an hour, uninstalling and reinstalling just to get errors to stop popping up when I boot my computer. Also getting errors during install now, with the app complaining it can't remove some temporary files.

I don't want to have to reinstall Windows just because of a dumb fan control program. I just wish something else would work. I don't need an "ai suite", I just need software that will control all these fans based on temperature readings.

I posted a screenshot of the problem in AI Suite with the assistant fans, in my previous post. Now they are not running at all, and I can't even manually adjust them.

I'd almost be willing to connect the two assistant fans to a fan controller just so I know my VRMs are not overheating. Too bad the cables are so short.

Mergatroid wrote:
So, I am starting to get problems with the constant uninstall and reinstall.

I usually let the app uninstall itself in Revo, then let revo remove leftovers, then reboot, then run the cleanup app. It's worked perfectly up until now.

I just had to screw around for an hour, uninstalling and reinstalling just to get errors to stop popping up when I boot my computer. Also getting errors during install now, with the app complaining it can't remove some temporary files.

I don't want to have to reinstall Windows just because of a dumb fan control program. I just wish something else would work. I don't need an "ai suite", I just need software that will control all these fans based on temperature readings.

I posted a screenshot of the problem in AI Suite with the assistant fans, in my previous post. Now they are not running at all, and I can't even manually adjust them.

I'd almost be willing to connect the two assistant fans to a fan controller just so I know my VRMs are not overheating. Too bad the cables are so short.

I don't want to have to reinstall Windows just because of a dumb fan control program. I just wish something else would work. I don't need an "ai suite", I just need software that will control all these fans based on temperature readings."

Have you tried speed fan? I use it with my custom graph and it works like a charm based on CPU temps. You can assign all your case fans as well.

Yankeese wrote:
Still no fix. They say they are working on it. Beta does not even load, much less work, on this board. This is not just about fan control. The problem has also disabled USB 3 boost and UASP. I have been in regular touch with ASUS support, and this is the latest update I received from them, on the 16th:

I appreciate your patience and for giving us time to come up with a resolution for your case. After collaborating with our support staff, we are now able to provide you with a recommendation on how to address your concern.

At this time our course of action should be as follows:

The AI Suite 3 beta is currently not available yet for all end users. SW RD is still debugging all the different environment types and will have it uploaded on our Asus Support site soon. The beta version is not stable yet:

In the meantime if needed, they can uninstall AISuite in SAFE MODE until there is a patch for the Windows KB update.
Or alternatively uninstall KB (KB4056892)

We'll continue pushing for the official release if we can get it anytime sooner.

Hope this helps.

Yankeese;700246, I can Confirm your Issue as Well. Besides my system I have a another similar to yours same motherboard. I cannot get any of the AI suites to function at all. Asus Please You need to get this Fixed A.S.A.P. This machine is Staying off as I cannot afford a $10,000. Dollar Paperweight!