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Turn off the aio "asus rog lc II" leds when the pc is off

Level 7
I have already asked this question on the discord and after many exchanges a message was sent to the Asus team who replied that it was not possible but it is not true.Materially this is possible by enabling an option in the bios but it also turns off the Wake on lan I need. However I need to sleep so I need to turn the damn light off.After a little thought and having noticed that there was no option to turn off the leds only when the pc is turned off in armoury create whereas for the motherboard it is possible I wondered if it was possible to create a script that would turn off the leds of the pump when the pc is turned off and turn them back on when the pc is turned on this is what I did but it only worked halfway.
turning off the water-cooling LEDs when the pc is off is possible indeed, when trying to create a python script which runs when the pc stops and which turns off the water-cooling LEDs, I noticed that armory create regained control barely before the pc stop and override the configuration my script had put in place just before. this seems inevitable so i thought on armory crate put a black static color configuration and with a script at startup change the color of the pump to a rainbow mode but after a lot of research I think it is impossible to put a rainbow mode with the scripts (which uses the SDK). Despite this limitation, it shows that it is possible to turn off the LEDs of the pump when the pc is off It's just a software limitation To solve this problem Asus would just have to either update its SDK to be able to activate a rainbow mode with and not only a static color. or they can modify the armory crate software to not reapply the effects one last time before turning off the pc thanks to this I could put the rainbow mode on armory crate while putting the LEDs in black with my script before the extinction and without be replaced by armoury crate and on restart the LEDs synchronize with armory crate with the rainbow effect. Or finally they could modify armory crate to add an option "turn off lights when pc is off" which would resume the principle of my script (made thanks to the Asus SDK)Instead of reapplying the effects just before shutting down the software will check if this option is activated and if so it would put the color of the LEDs in black before shutting down.
This is possible so please asus please integrate this option as at the moment this is really the only big black spot with this water cooling otherwise it would be perfect but because of the fact that we can't do this it's very annoying and for many people not just for me

Level 12
I've also got this problem. No matter what I've done, the LEDs will not turn off after the PC is shutdown.

Except I don't care about Wake on LAN.

How do you turn off the LEDs regardless of the Wake on LAN? I want the LEDs off when the PC is Shutdown.
Have a Good One! 😎

Rooke wrote:
I've also got this problem. No matter what I've done, the LEDs will not turn off after the PC is shutdown.

Except I don't care about Wake on LAN.

How do you turn off the LEDs regardless of the Wake on LAN? I want the LEDs off when the PC is Shutdown.

Try to enable this in BIOS : Advanced > APM Configuration > ErP Ready > Enable S4+S5

Level 8

Hi, try that: 
Go to the armouryCreate → device tab (mice and keyboard icon) → choose device (you need do this step for all your device (MB, AIO etc.)) → shut down effect: set in to off/dark


 do this for all device.

If not work, keep this settings but reset bios on default (or only LED setting if you remember what they are)

Level 8

I am using a nzxt internal USB hub, it power using sata cable. this way you dont have to turn on ERP (s4+S5) in bios,

but you still have to set shut down behavinor to off in armmory crate under motherboard.