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Spatha X Key Bindings not working

Level 7

Really happy with my new Spatha X, yet I feel like there's sth wrong, as Armory Crate lets me pick multi-key-bindings (Ctrl/F4), but does not register them, which renders the 6 side buttons inoperable to me. I have seen people online having similar problems but could not find the solution, please help.


Level 8

Same for me, I have created 2 profiles for 2 differents game. I have bind the same button for the first game as Lshift et for the 2nd game as M. But for the M it's not saved and tke the bind of the other profile, Lshift ...

This software is bas, I had Corsair mouse before and it was so much easy. 

And why can t we just use the buttons as Mouse buttons ??? it could be so much easier.

Sorry, what is L-Shift et?

Side buttons as mouse buttons? That is possible.

thumb click.png

FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin

L-Shift is the MAJ press button, under the lock MAJ button.

No I don't mean as a mouse function but as a button, you know like MB1, MB2, MB3 ... With anothers mouses we can juste press side button in a binds settings in the games so we don't need to bind a "shortcup" like a letter or any button from keyboard. With this one we can't do that

Do you L-Shift key only? It's working fine for me.



Can you clarify what is a "lock MAJ button" or "MAJ press button"? Are you referring to a French keyboard layout?



FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin

Yes sorry, that's a FR keyboard
That's the button aboce CTRL button yes. This one works, L shift stays binded but other key not working, I mean the Profile 2 seams like copying the Profile 1 cause for the same mouse button thats not the same bind like for P1 that s Lshift and for P2 the letter M and when I switch Profile the Profile 2 has the same bindind of the Profile 1.

Idk i don't like Armour crate ^^'

Community Admin
Community Admin

Ctrl+F4 is working for me if the scenario is closing a tab. What are you using it for?

Ctrl F4.png

FPS, Racing, and VR Gamer / Tech Enthusiast / ROG Admin