09:12 AM
- last edited on
07:00 PM
03-31-2021 03:02 PM
Al3xG wrote:
Can't update none of my devices. Still experiencing the update loop. Nothing works as always...
04-02-2021 07:27 AM
04-03-2021 01:43 AM
04-06-2021 08:53 AM
Al3xG wrote:
im experiencing update loop of components. I have reinstalled the AC with manually deleting files and reg but it no result. And i even can't to open devices tab for option it tells me to check updates but updates are looping.
Item Version
---- -------
Armoury Crate UWP App
ROG Live Service
AURA Service (Lighting Service) 3.04.35
Armoury Crate lite service 4.0.12
ASUS AIOFan HAL 1.1.26
ASUS AURA Extension Card HAL 1.0.24
ASUS AURA Motherboard HAL
ASUS Keyboard HAL 1.01.46
ASUS MB Peripheral Products 1.0.35
KingstonDram 1.0.28
AURA DRAM Component 1.1.06
Patriot Viper DRAM RGB
Patriot Viper M2 SSD RGB
Universal Holtek RGB DRAM
04-07-2021 12:00 PM
04-12-2021 05:12 PM
AliAPCMR wrote:
I have notiched one thing, whenever I have had a issue and reported it here, no one replies back to me, i have threads here that date back a year and possibily more, no one replies. I have been polite, kind, wrote in a manner with respect yet i get zero replies, I sent a DM to the MODS instantly ignored, then i send another DM incase they never saw the first one, again ignored. Yet i see people on here shouing in cap locks, demanding answers and the mods go running to there aid, others which are completely new get replied back to within a day, and I am here with issues that I have had to resolve myself which took months of researching and it was a asus fault. The issues that i posted here around a year back i had to manually fix them myself after months of googling or even waiting on a future update. The problem is i love asus hardware and been with asus for every single one of my builds. But if asus mods are treating people like rubbish to the point where people get ignored on the forums, whats the point of me even typing this, or if my issue just gets ignored for months and years is there a point of even asking for help? I rather save up more money and go else where, where the customer service or the forum support is much better, Asus mods i have never sworn, been abusive, unpolite towards you, yet I dont even exsist in your eyes, and i have spent thousands with asus hardware and i find it ironic my money is good for you asus, yet me as a person am a nobody. I am actually disapointed in asus tbh. You let me down and many other people here. I dont want to lower myself to those clowns that shout and demand answers here. Yet they get aid very quickly, as it seems thats the only way to get the mods attenion around here, If asus mods love to be treated like dogs and be beckoned like rats from crying screaming children, where they instantly help those that treat them like that, then good for them, I am not a animal therfore I am not going to act like one to demand answers. You may think am contradicting myself on what I stated before when i said I always been kind, polite, none abusive yet the sentence I wrote above sounds abusive ect... Tbh, I am sick of your behaviour asus mods, what i wrote above its a opinion on how I believe you are behaving on this forum which many will agree with it. You go running to the aid of people who write in caps, call you idiots ect... I have seen the posts, yet when someone like me says please help me, lists out the issue or issues, provides the hardware list, all the software and updates installed, is kind towards you, patiently waits, and asks you nicely I get ignored and many others here to have experienced the same.
05-04-2021 04:54 PM
MasterC@ROG wrote:
Please check your inbox and reply, still waiting for your log so I can help you. We do appreciate those of you who do the right thing in the forum.
As usual guys, please try to generate a log and PM that to me if possible.
05-04-2021 10:45 PM
06-01-2021 07:49 AM
itz_zarz wrote:
For like a week or so since alot of the firmware was released, my Claymore updates keep failing, tells me to reboot, still won't install after reboot. Tried with it both synced and not.