I solved this issue. Armory Crate is total trash (sorry Asus). Old Aura Sync software not much better but at least without tons of unuseful addons.
So how I did it? And use old Aura Sync soft with new Strix 3080Ti.
Simple change "AacVGAHal" DLLs from Program Files\Asus with new files that Armory Crate installs. I know, I know - You dont want to install this s***. So...
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvxYZnf473QvgYYy6nrZsLb87hzpew?e=87mBPnYou find there Unsinstaller for Armory Crate and Aura Cleaner (if You have it now). I think You shoud do it first before going next step.
Then install again form this folder !AuraSync3080TiSupport (last offical Aura Syunc) and change new DLLs added in zip. It works for Maximus X and Maximus XI line motherboards.
For newer other hardware You can try tu use other newer DLLs I added also in here ASUS_Aura_DLLs__feb_2022_ripped_from_Armory.ZIP - test it on Your own.
Bugs? There are - all that in Aura software was still are. Yeah - Asus app development.
New, becasue of change? Yes. I found two. You have to know that there are two ways of RGB control by Aura software. One - I call it hardware based and other lets call it software based.
First - You choose effect - Static, Breathe or Color Cycle - Lighting Service enables it and stays in backgorud without CPU usage. Cycles are based on some internal clock (?).
Second - You choose effect - Rainbow, Comet, Wave, etc. - Lighting Service controls RGB changes in real time and all the time use small amout of CPU power. Similar work is done for example by Singal RGB app.
And what about bugs I found? Hardware based - Color Cycle is not synced with 3080Ti and Breathing too (also stips can flicker a little during breathe).
But software based control works like a charm and static color too!
Crazy (good meaing) that after DLL change Aura Sync support new GPU and all LEDs on 3080 works idependend - with rainbow effects etc. Earlier Asus cards like 2080Ti was single led channel - logo and light tubes).
I hope I helped.