Hey i'm having the same issue kinda.., i recently updated to Win11. but i made some registry changes that werent working out, didn't back it up and had to use Asus Recovery to get back to Win 10. updated Windows, updated Asus, rebooted many times. Then after everything was finished, i was having the problem of armoury crate wanting to update asus framework service, but after the restart it wouldn't not be installed. so i used the armoury crate uninstall tool found here [HTML]https://www.asus.com/supportonly/Armoury%20Crate/HelpDesk_Download/[/HTML] You need to scroll down just a bit a click show all or expand all and the uninstall tool should be the second option. Make sure you also download the first option as well, because you'll need the install tool after the uninstall finishes and your reboot your computer. that fixed my framework service from needing updated.. and it should install armoury crate which mine did, which is the latest version.., but i'm getting a update for version which i believe is an older version.. i think.. so i'm kinda in a pickle myself.. but i hope i helped.. also you can use the website as well to help uninstall manually [HTML]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaJuCfWPqDI&list=WL&index=1&ab_channel=Britec09[/HTML]
if anybody knows anything about why my armoury crate is wanting to update to an older version any help would be apperciated.. unless that version is newer than my current and im just stupid..;)
P.S. You must uninstall both armoury crate and aurora creator..