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R9 280x DirectCU II Top Artifacts!!

Level 7
HEllo i just upgraded from an 7870 to the R9280X-DC2T-3GD5

I followed these steps for drivers

1. Ran Catalyst control center from C:/ AMD and did a custom uninstall. Removed all
2. Restarted computer
3. Ran Driver Fusion and deleted everything from AMD
4. Restarted computer
5. Installed latest 13.12 R9 drivers from AMD site

I get artifacts (shapes, lines , squares) flashing everywhere in screen , when in Chrome, in Dota 2 and Planetside 2. Haven't tested in more games , but I guess it will be the same.
The card will need a replacement? I have a Corsair CX600 , AMD FX 8350, Corsair Vengeance 2x4gb 1600 mhz
I read somewhere about GPU bios update. I ran the GPU ASUS TWEAK software that came in with the CD, and i tried to update something but i got a message ROM programming fail. But then it seemed to installed the update and forced me to restart the computer.
But still i get artifacts.
What do you suggest?
678 REPLIES 678

Level 7
The card I got back was worse than the original one I had! Horrible. Going to flash it to standard 280x.

Widlcard wrote:
The card I got back was worse than the original one I had! Horrible. Going to flash it to standard 280x.

I'm sorry to hear that dude. 😞
Maybe flashing to non-top version IS going to help you. It helped most people here, me included. Now i have 1500Mhz mem clock and i oc'ed GPU clock to 1100Mhz, PowerTune +20%. It's running great so far and is even faster than with default TOP edition clocks. 🙂

Good luck fixing it. 🙂

Level 7
I flashed it to a non-top version, but still having issues. Before with the old card I would see artifacts before the game would eventually crash. Now, it just crashes randomly. Sigh. Temps look fine too. Should I try doing the cooling mods on the VRMs? I'm getting tired of this.

So you don't see any artifacts anymore, just crashes? Have you tried full uninstall and install of the driver again?
It's really weird the games just crash. I only had some minor artifacting before and some texture corruption but no crashes. Are you sure the GPU is to blame for crashes? A while back i had mid-game crashes (well, BSOD's actually) and my PSU was the culprit. It could also be faulty RAM or overheating CPU.

Level 7
I'm not running over clocked and when BF4 or 3dmark crash it's throwing directx errors. I did do a full AMD uninstall and reinstall. CPU is stock and not getting hot. RAM has been solid from my previous build.

I am seeing artifacts on my 3DMark menu when I change pages. Checkerboard all over. Frustrating man.

Widlcard wrote:
I'm not running over clocked and when BF4 or 3dmark crash it's throwing directx errors. I did do a full AMD uninstall and reinstall. CPU is stock and not getting hot. RAM has been solid from my previous build.

I am seeing artifacts on my 3DMark menu when I change pages. Checkerboard all over. Frustrating man.

Well, maybe you could try (but you probably allready did) installing DirectX again. Have you tried updating GPU's drivers?
If the GPU really is defective you should probably RMA it again and hope for the best. There's almost zero chance you'll get another one as ****ed as the one you got.

Anzejk wrote:
Well, maybe you could try (but you probably allready did) installing DirectX again. Have you tried updating GPU's drivers?
If the GPU really is defective you should probably RMA it again and hope for the best. There's almost zero chance you'll get another one as ****ed as the one you got.

I did full unistnall/reinstall of GPU drivers. Did a reinstall of DirectX. I am going to RMA tomorrow for the 3rd time. Better be the charm. Heck I'll take a lower GPU or something if at all possible. Just need to be able to play my games lol. Ironically through all this, I have become impressed with my 4790K's Intel HD4600. I can play BF4 on low settings at 720p without too many issues. Hangs above 30fps. Other less demanding games of course play even better.

Hi all i m owner of a asus R9 280x Direct II Top i buy about 4 months mostly to play League of Legends with no problems but now i try diferent games like BF4 and Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor to see if appear artifacts and ? Yes XD
I try to put the bios of non-Top and it helps but not fix, i say the diference is with top bios and fan 70% 10min playing and? artifacts!! with non-top bios with fan 70% maybe 1hour playing.
and now i try a diferent thing like i saw on youtube and i open my card and i cover the ram with vga heatsink is not easy because i have to cut mostly of the heatsink for the cooler fit again after that i install again the Top Bios and i play all night with no artifacts.

Here's another contribution to what seems to be the busiest thread on this forum.

Had my Asus R9 280x DirectCUII TOP for a few months now and have been putting up with annoying artifacts in just about every game that I play. When it came to playing Far Cry 4 it has really spoilt my enjoyment of a game I've been waiting to play for ages so I decided to RMA the card after reading that all R9 280x cards are suffering from a VRAM design fault that results in artifacting.

In the automotive industry when the manufacturer releases a vehicle that is later found to have design faults they do a product recall. Why didn't ASUS do a recall on this card rather than let us all suffer? Have really lost my respect for this manufacturer due to this and will probably stop buying their products and go over to NVidia.

To make matters worse when I decided to try and solve the problem by using the BIOS update on the ASUS website:

R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 VBIOS update
BIOS update to remove rare artifacting events during gaming, Please als...

Guess bricked my card!!!!!!!!!

So now I can't even play Far Cry 4 with the f£$%ing artifacts!

Luckily my ASrock z68 pro3 board has onboard graphics that I can use so my whole machine isn't useless. Unfortunately with the R9 280x card in the PCIe slot the PC won't POST even when the UEFI BIOS has 'onboard' as the default graphics. I have to take the card out of the slot to boot the PC with onboard graphics so I am unable to re-flash with ATIFLASH and the old BIOS.

Any ideas anyone? Anyone in North London that will re-flash my card for me?

a_)_i wrote:
Here's another contribution to what seems to be the busiest thread on this forum.

Had my Asus R9 280x DirectCUII TOP for a few months now and have been putting up with annoying artifacts in just about every game that I play. When it came to playing Far Cry 4 it has really spoilt my enjoyment of a game I've been waiting to play for ages so I decided to RMA the card after reading that all R9 280x cards are suffering from a VRAM design fault that results in artifacting.

In the automotive industry when the manufacturer releases a vehicle that is later found to have design faults they do a product recall. Why didn't ASUS do a recall on this card rather than let us all suffer? Have really lost my respect for this manufacturer due to this and will probably stop buying their products and go over to NVidia.

To make matters worse when I decided to try and solve the problem by using the BIOS update on the ASUS website:

R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 VBIOS update
BIOS update to remove rare artifacting events during gaming, Please als...

Guess bricked my card!!!!!!!!!

So now I can't even play Far Cry 4 with the f£$%ing artifacts!

Luckily my ASrock z68 pro3 board has onboard graphics that I can use so my whole machine isn't useless. Unfortunately with the R9 280x card in the PCIe slot the PC won't POST even when the UEFI BIOS has 'onboard' as the default graphics. I have to take the card out of the slot to boot the PC with onboard graphics so I am unable to re-flash with ATIFLASH and the old BIOS.

Any ideas anyone? Anyone in North London that will re-flash my card for me?

Dude, i'm really sorry to hear that. Still, how the hell did the update brick it?
I flashed my card 2xtimes with the latest bios from ASUS site no problem and the same update bricked your card? That's really weird. Maybe you should try warranty, if you still have it? If their bios update really ****ed up your card that should be covered by warranty, i think.
Or, maybe somebody can un-brick your card somehow. I heard it can be done. Find a computer shop and ask them. They should be able to do it probably.