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R7 260X Black Screens and driver crashes

Level 7
I don't know what to do, the card will black screen and recover the drivers all the time, tried multiple versions of the drivers, and there is a new BIOS on the support page that says it fixes the issue, but when I try to install it it says "Your graphic card no need to update VBIOS!" I am really confused because I bought the card in January and the BIOS update was released in July. Anyone have any suggestions to fix this?

Level 7
I have also problems with this card, with 2 GB Overclocked version. When i launch my comp, it freezes after windows logo with black screen. As i readed in internet, downgrading a bios may help

I had simiral issues, now I don't have black screen - at least I can't reproduce it frequently.

ASUS R7 260X DirectCU II OC - Black SC, graphical artifacts, high temp, no Power Save