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Never Settle and the HD7970 MATRIX PLATINUM in Norway

Level 7
Hi, Im almost done with buying my computer now and I only need a video card. My eyes have fallen on the Asus HD7970 MATRIX PLATINUM and I was told about something called Never Settle on my usual game/computer forum in Norway.

Coming here I just got more questions cause I can't seem to find the full details. It says: Click the PR button below to see the full details, but I can't see a PR button anywhere on the page.

So do we get the Never Settle deal with the HD7970 MATRIX PLATINUM in Norway?

PS Might as well say hello to everyone, since this is my first post here. HELLO!! 🙂

New Never Settle Bundle Pleaser/Teaser on the ROG Main page. Nice 😄

But i'm still unsure and confused about the procedure required to get my hands on these games. ID in the Box as hinted in the text? Nothing found in my ...

So as a quick summary:
1. Buy a HD7000 Card. E.g. MATRIX. Check. Already Done! :cool:
2. ???


No official word how to obtain the bundle?
A link to some hidden ASUS page with real details (i couldn't find one) ???


A word from someone who works at Asus would be nice.
Maybe we should report the thread 😛 Doesn't seem like they read it much.

One store in Norway has the Never Settle offer now, but they got Sapphire and XFX only and when I asked at their Facebook page, they said they didn't get to decide what brands they got. I'm not even sure any other store in Norway will get Never Settle and even if they did, there's no guarantee they will get Asus.

I will never get another XFX card, but I did put in a order for a Sappire card late friday. It was still open, so I canceled it just now. I will be getting the ASUS Radeon HD7970 Matrix Platinum card as it is a sexy beast 😛

Myk SilentShadow wrote:
I had a look at that page HiVizMan posted and I think you're S.O.O.L, because that promo doesn't include the Matrix, only DCUII editions

I purchased my 7970 Matrix Platinum from Newegg and it includes the game promotion flier. Newegg staples the scratchoff code card to their invoice thrown into the shipping box. Be mindful that the promotion showed up in the Newegg website shopping cart before purchase so I knew it was included anyways.

I will order mine today in the afternoon, so I guess I will see then.

Level 7
Just got mine from and nothing in my box or an email. They did add +game on the card name before I bought it, so I sent them a mail now to find out whats happening.

Good Luck @Union

I'm left in the dust atm. Seems like a kick in the bu** of an early Matrix adopter.
No ID/Code in the box. Shop doesnt't care. ASUS doesn't care as you can see in this thread ... hey, why should they as they have already sold it 😞


Level 9
It's an AMD promotion, not an ASUS promotion. You'll probably need to contact AMD with proof of purchase receipt to proceed. Taking bets in some of these places that they just pocketed the vouchers by the stack.