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Matrix Platinum HD 7970 high temps

Level 7
Hello I'm getting a 49C idle on my Matrix, its connected to 2 monitors and I have it at 1080p, currently it's crossfired with a reference model and runs great but temps are going around 78C and if I use FURMARK it reaches 90C+ at 100% Fan speed and it just take 2 minutes to get there I always cancel the test but this card is running hotter than My reference. No other issue it found with the card no artifacts or anything. I don't overclock or anything and have tried using the card alone with same results. And if I open the case I get a 50C idle and high temps are the same.

FX-8350 Liquid cooled by AMD
Crosshair V Formula Z
Matrix Platinum HD 7970
Reference HD 7970
OCZ Vector with Windows 8
Cooler Master Scout 2, 5 fans in & 3 fans out

Level 7
That is WAAAAAY too high. I have mine OC'd to 1180mhz with a custom fan profile and it has never kicked the fans to over 50% max temp I've seen is 62*C.

What voltage is it running at?

(also out of curiosity what is you PSU as I'm looking to Crossfire in the near future and I'm worried my 850W isn't going to be enough!)

Level 16
RagnaCaT, what is your ambient temp?

Also, if you could post some pics highlighting the fan setups would make easier to come up with some ideas...

Level 7
Yeah forgot the PSU it's a Cooler Masters Silent Pro 1000W voltage is at stock 1257 (mV) in GPU Tweak everything is stock.
Ambient temp is 27C Ill try to get pics up but if you have seen the Cooler Masters Scout 2 the 2 window fans(Bitfenixs 120mm) stand right under the Matrix logo and blow derectly in to the card that's why I get a 1C drop with case closed, 1 blowing in from front of the PSU, and the 2 in front of the case, just the top 3 fans blow out. I have read that this card are not actually a derect cu cuase They have a plate sitting between the gpu and the pipes my best guess is that maybe thet are not properly set.
What I found weird was that the Hot air that the reference is blowing out can almost burn me running FURMARK but the Matris is just warm by the time the matrix hits 90C at 100% fan speed, the reference is at 82C at 50% fan speed and my reference card has the GHz Bios at 1050mhz
And temps of the CPU never pass 43C and idles at 35C the temps inside the case since I have probs inside get to 54C when the Cards are running but even if it gets to 54C inside the case 90C is way to high and reference is working as it should

Level 12
I'm afraid that's a driver bug, when you have two monitors connected the cards wont go down to idle clocks. They'll just be att max clock all the time.

Don't know of any solution neither I'm afraid, seen lots of people with exactly the same problem.

Your temps are quite high tho, thats probably got to do with your high ambient though.

Try check your clocks with cpu-z, and unplug one monitor and se if that helps.

Level 7
Ill try that tonight to attach just one monitor but for the DirectCU heat goes up doble rate than the reference I feel there is a contact issue here cuase I touch the pipes they are always cool but if the refernce is doing fine why isn't the matrix as soon as the reference blower hits 57%, temps stay at 84C until the end of the test even with a 15minute burn-in test in furmark My ambient temps are high but the refernce is performing better I wonder if someone thats watercooled can lend me there stock cooler or sell it . there is defently an issue with the direct CU

Level 12
If the ref. cooler has any strong points it's exactly that, it get's the warm air out of the case. The DCU cooler requires a case with pretty good airflow because it dumps all the hot air inside the case.

A ref. cooler wont fit the matrix card, it's PCB is very different from ref. PCB.

Running one monitor should solve your problem with it staying on 3D clocks though.

Just don't use furmark, it put's extreme load on the card. Loads you will never se in anything else then a torture-test like furmark.

You could try re-mounting the cooler on the matrix card if you think it's not properly mounted. Apply new TIM and so on, that is if the singel monitor and perhaps a few extra fan's for better airflow doesn't help.

Level 7
I applied new TIM to my matrix twice and as I suspected there is a contact issue, first time I repasted temps where worst hitting 95+C in about 3 minutes and 100% Fan usage since I was moved by the contact issue I installed 4 small rubber washers onder the plate so it can apply a little more force. Result was that it took 9 minutes to get to 90C and it danced between 90C and 91C for the complete furmark test with 80% Fan usage, right now the only nonconductive TIM that I had was ceramigue 2 and it has a 25 hour cure time so maybe temps will get better after that.
I ordered new TIM GELID Extreme as per recomendacion of Zka17 and I'm more than sure that it has to be a better TIM. So I cant ask for much know cuase of my ambient temp cuase right know its 30C so I'll let her rest and play some TOMB as it cures

Level 12
In furmark you will probably his 90C on a perfectly good card, considering your ambient. But mostly the fact that, that's what furmark does.