I wasn't sure if it was an issue. 50C seems high when nothing is happening and all the GPU is doing is output a windows desktop.
I would expect temperatures between 25C and 35C for a minor task like that with such a heat sink and fan installed.
It seemed high compared to my old Sapphire Radeon 6800XT AGP video card (~2003) (
http://alasir.com/reviews/sapphire_radeon_9600xt_agp/). It used to go into the 50C range when it was working at full capacity and all it had on the GPU was a small fan and thin heatsink. 70C was outside normal operating range and used to reboot my computer automatically when It reached it (usually when the fan stopped working).
The included picture shows the temperature of the graphic card.
The X scale is 10 seconds.
It sets at 50C.
Jumps to 65 when I open and play a little of Crysis 1.
Goes back down to 50 after closing the game.