After a very long time holding on Catalyst 13.12 last night i got tempted to give it a go and install 14.4 , so i did a benchmark run with Unigen valley 1.0 with 13.12 befor Uninstalling it and then another benchmark with 14.4 after installing it and here are the results
Unigen Valley 1.0 Asus HD 7850 Directu Cu ii (running on stock clock) Catalyst 13.12

Unigen Valley 1.0 Asus HD 7850 Directu Cu ii (running on stock clock) Catalyst 14.4

I did them both with same OS ( windows 8.1 pro) latest updates on windows and all the other drivers Screen is a 22" 1080p
CPu : Intel i5 3570k
Gpu: Asus HD 7850 Directcu ii
Ram: 8GB Dual channel Corsair