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7970HD Matrix (Platinum) Watercooler Fullblock!!! Good News!

Level 8
Hey fellas,

I recently wrote up the guys the EK WaterBlocks and asked them to consider making a fullblock for the 7970 HD Matrix Series.

This is what came out:

Dear Thomas,

I have some news for you:

Spread it among your fellow Matrix users J

Best Regards,

Description: ek_email_podpis-niko

From: Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 4:07 PM
To: EK Niko Tivadar
Subject: Re: Product proposal for EK - ASUS 7970 HD Matrix (Platinum)

Dear Niko,

thank you for the quick response, I myself and all Matrix Platinum owners will keep their fingers crossed.

Until then....

Best regards


Am 15.01.2013 22:55, schrieb EK Niko Tivadar:

Dear Thomas,

Thank you for your letter. We will be deciding regarding the faith of 7970 Matrix water block on Thursday. In case we decide to go for the water block we will publish the news about this.

Thank you for understanding! 🙂

Best Regards,

Description: ek_email_podpis-niko

-----Original Message-----
From: EK Support []
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 7:32 AM
Subject: FW: Product proposal for EK - ASUS 7970 HD Matrix (Platinum)

-----Original Message-----

From: Thomas

Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 7:11 AM


Subject: Product proposal for EK - ASUS 7970 HD Matrix (Platinum)

Dear Sirs,

according to your website, you have no plans on designing and distributing a fullblock watercooling solution for the ASUS 7970 HD Matrix (Platinum) graphics card.

Is this already a final statement? There is an actually pretty high number of owners of this card that are looking for a fullblock solution for exactly this model (including myself).

Since you have already created custom solutions for the MSI R 7970 Lightning and the ASUS HD7970-DC2-3GD5 Radeon HD 7970, I wonder if it would be too far of a stretch to create a fullblock solution for the ASUS 7970 HD Matrix Platinum, especially because the board design only marginally deviates from that of the DC2 you already designed.

I am more than sure that there is a substantial amount of people who would buy a fullblock solution for this card (please cross reference this statement with known forums) since it has, by now, received a certain notoriety.

In the name of all watercooling Matrix Platinum owners, I sincerely hope you reconsider the decision of not providing a cooling solution for this model.

I am convinced that there is serious sales potential for fullblock for this card.

Best regards



Level 7

IT IS VERY GOOD EK's waterblock

Level 10
Mine should be arriving today, yey! Time to see what the card can do 😉
i9 9900K, ROG Gene XI, G.Skill 4266 and one big bucket!

Level 7
I got a question for matrix waterblock users is the Matrix cooler lapped or is it a rough surface? Like nice and shinny as the GPU?

Level 16
It isn't lapped so much... but don't worry, it will work... :cool:

Finally I've got my Matrix blocks from an other company too... - soon, I would like to make a comparison between the EK and Liquid Extasy Matrix blocks... 🙂

Level 7
I have a watercooling n00b question. Thinking of getting into it later this year when I get a new processor.

Can you run the CPU + GPU through the same system? Is that a bad idea? I've got to do my research still I know pretty much nothing about water cooling at this stage. I've always had fears from it but when I first saw it years ago it was pretty amateurish home build pvc piping stuff but having looked at modern solutions they look pretty swish!

I saw a Corsair cooler that was a totally closed system like the ARES cooling. Are those a better idea? I really like the sound of it, no mistakes in piping by my own error leaking everywhere!!!

Level 16
Bouji, watercooling is a lot of fun, but it can be addictive... - once you start it, it will be hard to stop upgrading... 🙂

Starting with the end, those closed loop coolers like the Corsair Hydro Series are the first step to watercooling, but you have to be aware that the performance isn't so good... the best air-coolers still can keep up with those solutions...

The most effective way of watercooling is to do a custom loop... then you can have your CPU+GPU+whatever you want on a single loop (can not do it with the closed loop systems)... - you just need enough radiator surface to cool everything...

If you spend enough time to do your readings and you do proper leak testing, it will be OK! Although, leaking will be a permanent thread (you just have to check your system more often) and mounting waterblocks (for custom loops) will void your warranty...

Level 7
It watercooling loud? Or more quiet if you have CPU + GPU because you just have one big fan on the radiator instead of them all together?

Level 16
Oh, yeah BOUJI, watercooling can be extremely loud... - if it's designed to be...

With proper water-cooling (which means enough radiator surface, among others) you perhaps will have more fans than with aircooling. And if you choose high fin density radiators, then you will need high static pressure fans - which usually are loud...

But, with proper and careful planning, you can get very silent setups...

Having the CPU+GPU on a single radiator with one big fan can only work if the radiator is big enough (big surface area)....

Level 7
I'm intrigued about this cooler, anyone reckon it will fix a Matrix?

Level 16
Hm... it may, but I would not expect too much performance increase over the stock cooler... - besides, you're gonna loose that status LED indicator on the Matrix...

Why you're not shooting an email to the manufacturer?