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12x ASUS R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 FAN OIL LEAKED OUT and very poor fan installation

Level 7
Hi, i'm new here because I never had any problems with ASUS before. I bought 12 cards 6 months ago and I am very disappointed. Every single card have oil/lube leaking out of the fans. The lube spread all over the card's board and even my motherboards. The fans are now spinning very poorly and more than half of the cards have one fan that is not spinning at all. A bearing needs to be lubed but the way these fans are built, you cannot even lube them yourself... When the sticker is removed, there is a plastic that cannot be removed to reach the bearing... I am not the only one with fan failing problem. I read many forums where people have 15 cards, 19 cards, even a guy had 22 cards with same problems! This never happened before the r9 model, the oil never leaked out of the fans. Asus knows of this problem and is unwilling to recall all the cards to fix their poorly installed and very cheap fans. Most of the cards are very poorly installed because the electric wires from the fans are poorly strapped and TWISTED most of the time allowing the fan to touch the wiring plastic and in many cases break a blade of fan. One of my cards has one broken blade because of the poorly installed wire and broke as soon as I ran the fan on the computer... I did not care because it's only one blade out of so many and I was in love with these cards when I got them... But that same fan is not spinning now because of the oil leak and has nothing to do with the broken blade which is ASUS's fault in the first place. In other words, broken fan did not cause oil leak, broken fan is caused because of asus's poor installation then the fan leak is caused by asus's poor investment in fans. This problem is way too big and I am not the only one with this problem. If your fan didn't leak the oil yet, be sure that it will.
To asus, if you are not willing to invest more than 1$ per fan on 350-550$ graphic cards, then I'm willing to go to court to fight this off. It's not complicated, build new fans for this model, use the newly improved fans on the next generation gpus and recall all of the fans that you ripped people off with.
Not only did you make everyone loose a lot of time, patience, and money, but you also broke their trust with a poor research and development team.
Someone send me the information that I need to return these cards please, I wish everyone best of luck with r9 models. I would avoid them and buy some other asus model because asus still has some pretty good cards. If I have to fight this in court, then so be it because it wouldn't be my first time.
I am very disappointed with the amount of time that was lost so far and I cannot let this go because I invested 5 000$ in these cards. I was lucky to get them at 339 before the price jumped to 550 and was waiting for the price to drop down to 340 again to buy another 12 cards... I don't think that's going to happen now. Very very disappointed and I did get ripped off by asus.

Level 15
Contact ASUS in your country to organize an RMA for your 12 cards. And it's probably going to be quite a while before the price comes down for those cards before you buy more....since Miners are the reason card prices soared.

Level 7
I feel your pain. I made a similar post with same issue. That card is not covered by Asus warranty now as I added a water block to save me time. I am very disappointed in the amount of money that I invested the 280x series.
Asus Maximus VI Formula LGA 1150
Intel i7-4770K
G.Skill Sniper Series 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 2400
Asus R9-280X DC2T-3GD5
Corsair Force Series GT 120GB SATA III SSD
Asus VE248Q Black 24" 2ms LED
Cooler Master HAF Stacker Modular Tower
OCZ ZX Series 1000W Fully-Modular 80Plus Gold