12-25-2024 12:47 PM
Asus Rog Crosshair 870e BIOS 0706 reports CPU Temp 11C
Bought a new computer from Falcon NW... A really good computer with very few issues (aside from having to go from Win 10 to Win 11)... Just one little querk that when I am in the BIOS, I see the CPU Temp indicated as 11C. In HWInfo under the Ryzen 9800 section the CPU temps appear accurate... In HWInfo under the Asus Rog Crosshair 870E (Nuvoton) it displays from the BIOS the erroneous 11C.
So it appears that the CPU is reporting correctly but the BIOS (0706) is not...
I spoke with Falcon NW tech support and they spoke with one of the experienced leads there and they said they had seen that problem before and is a glitch in the BIOS and would probable resolve itself after a BIOS update.
Note: I already reset the CMOS but still the BIOS displays 11C.
Question - Does anyone else have this glitch with BIOS Version 0706?
Other that the temp glitch mentioned above - the ROG Crosshair 870E seems to be a flawless and great board!