12-15-2024 12:34 AM
I have to send this back AGAIN (second time, last time was september)
This time the onboard REAKTEK USB AUDIO just died and took the back usb ports with it
I'm not accepting a repair this time, i put that in the notes and i also cc'd gamersnexus since this is going to be at least 40 days AGAIN (7 days shipping there, thank god they paid this time), 2 weeks for them to read the rma slip that says i wont accept a repair and i want a 100% guaranteed working refurb or new board, and 7 days back. so thats at least 28 days. I'll never buy asus again, if i could afford a new board i'd buy a msi or probably gigabyte since they have 10GB ethernet on them. This board is nothing but misery
first time i sent it back was for the sept bios update the released that bricked the board that they removed from their site. I should know better now than to update a asus bios, its a 50/50 chance it'll destroy your board somehow, and i guess the latest 2604 bios destroyed my usb hub and audio since even fresh installs lose the audio and the bios wont see the audio device without a clear cmos/reflash.
Whatever, no more garbage asus for me