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Which is the best BIOS to use for Crosshair VI Hero right now?

Level 7

I have never used beta bios before and I just wanted to ask which one would be best for me? I'm using 2x 16GB Corsair RED LED 3200Mhz RAM leftover from my x99 build. Is 1407 or 1401 I believe the best right now?

I have bus speeds for my CPU at 99.80 in CPU-Z and it's very frustrating so I was hoping that updating the BIOS would help. EDIT: Fixed by using manual Ai OC tuner.

Sovvrin wrote:
I have the Flair ram 32 gig kit for the Ryzen cpu, and since 1401 came out it has been running stable at 3200mhz
I forgot but samsung makes certain ram that is very compatible with the Ryzen computers, so just dont go and buy any ram, look here in the forums and you will probably find your answers

Well, I have to wait for further BIOS updates. One update bumped it from 2666 to 2933. So I just have to wait.

TheNaitsyrk wrote:
Well, I have to wait for further BIOS updates. One update bumped it from 2666 to 2933. So I just have to wait.

I have the same RAM but I can use it @ 3200MHz. Cold boot isn't stable yet but it can boot @ 3200 Mhz. Just need more time.

For the question "Which is the best BIOS to use for Crosshair VI Hero right now?"

Answer is " NONE ".

Betas betas everywhere.

Wait for the latest proper bios that will be released on asus official page. (i hope)

They said it will be available on mid to late June. There are still 2 days to wait. :confused:

Or maybe July. Maybe the end of 2017. Just wait. We will get our updates eventually.

sadaharu wrote:
For the question "Which is the best BIOS to use for Crosshair VI Hero right now?"

Answer is " NONE ".

Betas betas everywhere.

Wait for the latest proper bios that will be released on asus official page. (i hope)

They said it will be available on mid to late June. There are still 2 days to wait. :confused:

Or maybe July. Maybe the end of 2017. Just wait. We will get our updates eventually.

That's up to you but you have nothing to fear from 1403

Johan45 wrote:
That's up to you but you have nothing to fear from 1403

It'll bite if you dont be careful. 😛

Sovvrin wrote:
with my stock board and bios 1401 bios , all i did was manually enter 3200 and bumped dram power to 2.73
that was it now im running stable 32gig at 3200mhz

Seems that with the new BIOS I can run my ram at 2933.

hi everyone, I buyed Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2A2400C16 ver 5.29 and i have the error q-code 'Ad' and yellow led dram.
In the list of memory supported say that this model is supported but with ver 3.31
what can i do?
You can see the other of my pc spec in my profile.

If i update the bios my ram can be compatible? I dont know what version of bios i have 😕 never started..

For me 1401 is epic i finnaly can run my hynix hyperx fury 2933 mhz with docp standard without touching bclk

PcZoneExtra wrote:
For me 1401 is epic i finnaly can run my hynix hyperx fury 2933 mhz with docp standard without touching bclk

I wish I could run mine at 3200... 2933 is good but it's not the rated speed for my RAM.

Level 7
Nope, even though these BIOS are marked as BETA doesn't mean they haven't been tested. Now that they have been released the testing pool has grown. It's been a few weeks since 1401 came out now 1403 and I haven't read of any catastrophic results because of them and I read quite a bit through different forums.