Slightly different but not dissimilar issue here and many more having this. Mine fails to boot every now and then and the RAM light comes on with a 0D error. I turn it off and it trains no problem. Asus so far have said - latest bios (still happens) and nothing else so far.
I am using 4x32GB Gskil 128GB 3600 RAM. I think it would boot everytime if I went down to 3200. Ryzen is tricky with the ram I think. From what I've read, adjusting the SOC up and down and the DRAM voltage can help. For me, that reduced the failtures to be much less often. Now I can go 50 boots no problem. It still pops up from time to time - the intermittent nature of it as you said - it's annoying. You think it's fixed then bam, one day you go to turn it on and it doesn't work. I'd advise submitting a ticket to ASUS. The more tech tickets they get about this the better they might make their bios'. I'm still going back and forward with them.