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Temperature Sensors failing/ Fans on Max speed problem

Level 7
Just wanted to start a thread and see how many other people are having this same issue. Basically the conditions are as follows:

Just using the PC as normal and the I hear all the Case Fans Max out! If i check any monitoring software it states that the motherboard temp sensor is reading -109C. Also all other temps(CPU, CPU DIODE, CHIPSET, and VRM) stop responding to change in CPU load. A quick restart fixes the problem but it is very annoying. It happens on a daily basis. I have not figured out what is causing this.

I have seen similar posts on the forum but have yet to see a solution.Figured if we could compile everyone that is having this problem on a single thread it would help and maybe @asus has something in the works for this.

Level 7
lost temperature readings (-73 or -40 C.) three times today and a reboot is the only and temporary solution.
ASUS know about this problems but don't put any effort into solving them.

I have had these problems since april and have had the motherboard replaced twice without improvements.
Today I run all my fans on +5V to get rid of the MB regulators that makes my fans and me go mad.

II have had a lot of ASUS ROG MB's in my days but none of them had fan or sensor problems.

There are two types of motherboard owners in this forum. The ones that have overclocking/memory issues
and us that only have sensor/fan problems. It is like there are two versions of motherboards out there... are there ?

Members try to help us by asking about configurations and monitor software as they themselves never seen our problems.

I have contemplated using a fan controller, I just feel that this should be an easily addressable problem. I also thought about RMA but I have read people that have RMA'd the board but still have the same issue. I figure that the board is most likely bad just buggy. I hope we get some more members in here to validate this for @ASUS.

Level 7
Have you tried disabling Super I/O Clock Skew?
Have you run Q-Fan Tuning?
Have you disabled unused chassis fan headers?
Do you have an "X" CPU that is not overclocked?
Are you running system monitoring software like AIDA?
If you are using an AIO, what software is it using?

PeZzy wrote:
Have you tried disabling Super I/O Clock Skew?
Have you run Q-Fan Tuning?
Have you disabled unused chassis fan headers?
Do you have an "X" CPU that is not overclocked?
Are you running system monitoring software like AIDA?
If you are using an AIO, what software is it using?

Please don't write in this thread if you haven't experienced our problems, nor have an solution to them !

Don't you think that after months and months of troubleshooting and following everyone's advices, we haven't tried it all !?
This problem is NEW for THIS motherboard and advices trying to blame it to Windows and their programs is just stupid.
External programs READING the MB sensors should NOT be authorized nor able to change MB settings.

I believe the fan problems are results from MB sensors not being read properly.
When the sensors for booth CPU and MB indicate -73 C and -40 C !!! fans will just stop (in arctic climate) or maximize rpm just in case.

It is not only AIDA64 that reads these bad values, but also ASUS Aura when monitoring temperatures show RED LED-strips.

Just fyi, I built my current STRIX X270F a few months ago. At the time I was doing a lot of learning and trying various things. I had AISuite installed and was trying to control the fan speeds with that. Every so often the fans would race to maximum speed and then return to normal.

I played with a lot of different monitoring programs and decided at the time the cause was getting bizarre CPU temperature readings. I eventually decided that the bizarre temperature readings were going to keep any and all fan speed control programs from working properly.

So I gave up on all fan speed control programs, including AISuite, and used the Q-Fan in the BIOS settings instead. It's been working properly ever since.

bachastain wrote:
Just fyi, I built my current STRIX X270F a few months ago. At the time I was doing a lot of learning and trying various things. I had AISuite installed and was trying to control the fan speeds with that. Every so often the fans would race to maximum speed and then return to normal.

I played with a lot of different monitoring programs and decided at the time the cause was getting bizarre CPU temperature readings. I eventually decided that the bizarre temperature readings were going to keep any and all fan speed control programs from working properly.

So I gave up on all fan speed control programs, including AISuite, and used the Q-Fan in the BIOS settings instead. It's been working properly ever since.

Thank you for sharing. Your STRIX X270F is ASUS version of this MB for Intel processors... So the same problems exists on a similar MB version !
I gave up ASUS AI Suite 3 a long time ago... My problems still exists using only the BIOS Q-Fan for the CPU-fan, just to keep the noise down.

So on my set up I only use 3 fan headers, CPU, CPU OPT, an Chassis 2. All are only used for 3 Pin fans.All have been through the Q-Fan tuning process and I have tried without tuning. I have Aida64 and I have tried all the recommended versions that have the sensor "updates". I even uninstalled it for awhile but the problem persists. I have never used or installed Ai suite. I have tried what i feel is every piece of recommended advise. I'm sure the problem is bios/sensor related.

I have a corsair v110i and the same thing happens to me if I leave my pc running for 3 days straight. Once I reboot everything returns back to normal. No more high temps or fans spinning crazy fast. From what I see disabling fan control in bios will fix this issue.

marblesrx7 wrote:
So on my set up I only use 3 fan headers, CPU, CPU OPT, an Chassis 2. All are only used for 3 Pin fans.All have been through the Q-Fan tuning process and I have tried without tuning. I have Aida64 and I have tried all the recommended versions that have the sensor "updates". I even uninstalled it for awhile but the problem persists. I have never used or installed Ai suite. I have tried what i feel is every piece of recommended advise. I'm sure the problem is bios/sensor related.

The Super I/O ITE IT8665E chip seems to be the problem. I have seen various issues which point to it. If you put less stress on it, it is less likely to fail.