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Ryzen 1600X Owners Overclocking (The 2.2Ghz Problem)

Level 7
Hey everyone, I wanted to make a thread for owners of the 1600x. I have noticed the after bios 1002 overclocking in the traditional fashion no longer works without locking the processors @ a 22 multiplier. I have also seen several post on this forum confirming that the problem only seems to happen to 1600x owners. I figured that we should band together to see if ASUS can resolve the problem with a bios update.

I have tried the following bios:

1002-Functions "normal"
1201-Exhibits 2.2Ghz issue
9943-Exhibits 2.2Ghz issue
9945-Exhibits 2.2Ghz issue
1401-Exhibits 2.2Ghz issue
1403-Exhibits 2.2Ghz issue

This thread is not to say that all the bios revisions after 1002 are without merit. The 1401 bios has done wonders for my ram and temps. But I still can not use manual multiplier control modes or manual voltage modes without getting thrown into the 22 multiplier.

Overclocking with Psates-

I have worked around this issue by using PState overclocking. Using A0 for the 40 multiplier and A2 for the 40.5 multiplier has yielded results. Using this configuration with Core voltage offset modes gives me control over the multiplier and Core voltage. This is how I have been overclocking after bios 1002.

In closing I hope that those of you who own the 1600x can chime in on this thread and help others who are experiencing this problem or just have conversations about our experiences with the 1600x and C6H combo.
117 REPLIES 117

So I got it to take the p-state overclock, but only by changing the voltage to manual. It would not take the overclocking in Windows with voltage set at Offset 0.03750. The overclock is set at 3.8 ghz.
Any way to fix this and what should the Offset be?*

I'm new on this board. I live in Belgium and I am not an expert in OC'ing.
a week ago I bought the Hero motherboard with Ryzen 5 1600x. I'm not a fanatic gamer but I want my PC to run smooth and fast and I like to play around with oc settings. A read a lot on the internet and saw a few tutorials to start pumping up my system. But the longer I try, the more frustrated I get. Ik can not OC my system. I can change my settings in BIOS (1501) but as soon as I enter Windows 10 my core speed is underclocked to 549 mhz with a multiplier 5,5.:mad:
My windows settings or on high performance, in Bios: performance boost is off, every tip I found somewhere I tried it out. But nothing seems te work and it's driving me crazy. I used just the multiplier increasing with small steps, I tried Pstate OC, nothing works.
When I use stock speeds the first time I enter windows CPU Z gives the same low readings but after a restart my system runs as it is supposed to be.

Is this a known issue? is anyone familiar with this problem, is my MB or my CPU broken? Is windows 10 OEM the problem?

my system

MSI Radeon R9 280
Samsung EVO 960 M2

vdingeri wrote:
I'm new on this board. I live in Belgium and I am not an expert in OC'ing.
a week ago I bought the Hero motherboard with Ryzen 5 1600x. I'm not a fanatic gamer but I want my PC to run smooth and fast and I like to play around with oc settings. A read a lot on the internet and saw a few tutorials to start pumping up my system. But the longer I try, the more frustrated I get. Ik can not OC my system. I can change my settings in BIOS (1501) but as soon as I enter Windows 10 my core speed is underclocked to 549 mhz with a multiplier 5,5.:mad:
My windows settings or on high performance, in Bios: performance boost is off, every tip I found somewhere I tried it out. But nothing seems te work and it's driving me crazy. I used just the multiplier increasing with small steps, I tried Pstate OC, nothing works.
When I use stock speeds the first time I enter windows CPU Z gives the same low readings but after a restart my system runs as it is supposed to be.

Is this a known issue? is anyone familiar with this problem, is my MB or my CPU broken? Is windows 10 OEM the problem?

my system

MSI Radeon R9 280
Samsung EVO 960 M2

I'm having the same exact issue on a Ryzen 1700 but with a different mobo manufacturer. Searched and found this thread to be the only place I could find that mentions the problem.

Specs are:

Ryzen 1700 @ 3.7ghz/1.35v
Biostar X370GTN w/ latest bios
16GB GSkill Trident Z F4-3200C14D-16GTZ with XMP enabled
ASUS Geforce GTX 1070 Turbo
Samsung EVO 960 M2

After more then two weeks I think I finally solved the problem (rather unexpected)

I was cooling my system with a "be quiet dark rock pro". It is a AM3+ cooler.
I bought the C6H because it is compatible with older coolers.
I eventually wanted to cool my system with a watercooler so I bought one today.
Before I started assembling I cleared CMos using the button on the back.
Just to be sure, I removed the battery as well.
Then I disabled the slow mode chip on the motherboard.

I removed the backplate and mounted the original one again.
Then I installed my cooler and put everything in place.
I started up with all my settings in default, except for pcie 16x to 4x and MV2 to gen 3

and I was on stock speeds, so far so good, (but that worked before)
after shutting down my pc, I cold booted after 10 minutes and immediately entered windows with correct speeds. ( that was before not possible) SO after a few cycles it started flawlessly everytime.
So then I wanted to oc cautiously by setting the multiplier to 37 and it worked. Now I set to 3800 and it still booting up normally and nothing is changing in windows 10. cpu z is reading the correct speed and my system runs like a train.
I couldn't be more happy for the moment.

I don't now what the remedy was: was it the clearcmos?
Was it the switching of the backplates (releasing stress)
I also took out the cpu and put it back again.
was it my cooler that possibly wasn't mounted right?

i don't know, but something cured my system and now I can play 🙂

I hope this can help some of you guys, good luck!

I see this issue is addressed in BIOS 1501 for Crosshair VI Hero.

Anyone from Asus care to comment as to when this issue will be fixed on the Crosshair VI Extreme? I have contacted Asus support but it seems I have been assigned a monkey. He suggested I flash to the latest BIOS where there is only the original BIOS available for the C6E.

It's very frustrating that the top of the line board is released with this issue.

Level 7
Try overclocking with different voltage modes Manual or Auto.

thanxs for your reply man!

I tried all that, no change. 😞

I installed windows 10 on a spare SSD on the same system with the same results.

When I cold boot my pc at stock speeds it drops to 5.5 x 99 mhz in windows, when I restart it then my clockspeed maintain as they are supposed to. 36x100.

So I everytime I want to work under normal conditions I have to start it twice, that is really frustrating. Hopelly someone can give me more tips.

Having the same issue on the Strix x370 Gaming-f with the 1600x.

Matt sorry for you man, but it's a little relief that I'm not alone.

Hoping for a reaction from Raja@asus.

@ Matt: which ram sticks do you use?

Looks like I am facing the same issue with a Ryzen 7 1700 on a Crosshair VI Extreme. Unlike you guys, I have no BIOS updates that I can try.

Since the Extreme is a fairly new board, it is still only on the initial 0401 BIOS.

For me, I am stuck at 15.5 multi if I change vcore from AUTO to anything else.

I have logged a case with Asus support but I get the feeling I will get the old "wait for a new BIOS" reply.