10-29-2020 04:37 AM
09-20-2021 04:04 AM
Novarrontus wrote:
any Idea why cpu lost boost and locks core ratio at 38 when I increase bclk ?
09-20-2021 08:52 AM
RedSector73 wrote:
Because AMD Ryzen isnt Intel. You might want to do some reading first.
09-21-2021 01:23 AM
schm0 wrote:
After getting a new GPU (ASUS) I have a new problem now...
When the GPU is under load, I can hear white noise from my headphones.
Sounds like the coil whine from the GPU is interfering into the sound card.
Strange thing is when the GPU is loaded, moving the mouse changes the white noise.
// edit
Using the front headphone jack fixed this issue.
Also makes sense because the signal is not passing by the GPU.
(going downwards to the header instead of going up to the rear jacks and passing by the GPU)
Also the front panel connectors have better/stronger amplifiers?
Seems like the only motherboards with proper soundcard EMI shielding are the crosshair and zenith ones 😐
09-22-2021 05:09 AM
09-22-2021 05:45 AM
09-27-2021 08:44 AM
09-27-2021 12:57 PM
Niktos wrote:
Hello guys,
I have been having constant BSOD/WHEA errors and it has been really frustrating to the point of thinking of changing the MB completely.
Today I read on this reddit thread something and tried it. Worked for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/ryzen/comments/kc3m6f/rog_crosshair_viii_dark_hero_5950x_constant/
Set the infinity fabric manually and disable in the PBO settings the Asus Fmax enchancement. Still using the DOCP profile without a problem.
Will keep testing, but for now it seems stable.
Hope this helps somebody else 🙂
10-06-2021 09:22 PM
11-14-2021 01:22 PM
11-27-2021 09:50 AM