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Level 7
Good day all.. I have a question. when i tried to boost my DDR 4 to its recommend 3000 my pc corrupted my m.2 and had to reinstall windows. It stays at 2132 and can get to 3000. Any help ??? and my 2700x cpu boost only to 4100 any reasons. I never OC i just want my cpu to go where it was build to go the same with my mem. I have a 360 antech AIO cooler that keeps the cpu temp to max 59c under max load with Aida 64. My memmory is corsair vengeance rgb pro 3000 its 2 * 8 gig sticks

Level 7
Firedragon01 wrote:
Good day all.. I have a question. when i tried to boost my DDR 4 to its recommend 3000 my pc corrupted my m.2 and had to reinstall windows. It stays at 2132 and can get to 3000. Any help ??? and my 2700x cpu boost only to 4100 any reasons. I never OC i just want my cpu to go where it was build to go the same with my mem. I have a 360 antech AIO cooler that keeps the cpu temp to max 59c under max load with Aida 64. My memmory is corsair vengeance rgb pro 3000 its 2 * 8 gig sticks

What voltage is the ram set at? it should be 1.35 for 3000
How did you set the ram, did you pick a preset or manually set values?

Rather than wreck windows again, just run memtest when testing at 3000 and when you think it is stable then try booting windows.

hi i cant even get into windows when i overclok. And i used advanced tweacker in to uif and i have the newest uif. And st it there to 3000 and thats when it corrupted my m.2 and had to reinstall windows. if you want tmore info i will send it