Got my new system put together today. Seemed to be working quite well for several hours......right up to the point it stopped working. Hard stop like.
Running windows 8 with 1403 bios. 1700x and 16 gig corsair vengance on water cooler.
No overclock really. DOCP? standard and that's it.
Booted right up, installed the relevant drivers,did a few restarts, and carried on with playing with things. Ran a few gaming benchmarks, stress test on CPU to check water cooler...etc. Running great for several hours. Even had Aura working great. Played on the net for a bit. Watched a couple vids on youtube. Ate some dinner, checked the emails, read a bit on the forums, went back to youtube to watch a couple more vids. Watched one no problem, started watching another one froze, keyboard and mouse went off. Had to kill the power to the power supply to get things to turn off.
Powered back up, started to boot and froze again with keyboard and mouse going away again. Never got to desktop. Killed power, reset bios, started back up. Bairely got to desktop befor keyboard and mouse went away again and had to kill power again.
Powered back up and now am getting no post and code 8 and won't go past it. Flashed back to 1401 and got to bios but couldn't get any farther. After reboot, straight to code 8. Flashed back to 1403 and straight to code 8. Been sitting for a bit over a half hour before I killed power again and now I am getting ready to pull everything and put my previous parts back in and send the new parts back.
Anything else I can try, any thoughts, suggestions before I take it apart?