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I managed to get my idle temps from 60*C idle to 19*C idle

Level 7
I messed around with some settings to get my idle temps to 19*C so I'm very happy now as before it was 60*C idle on 1501 bios. I've attached my other thread showing my posts with updates how I managed to get my temps down and its huge difference. I hope this helps others who are using the same hardware as myself.


Level 9
While I look thru your post, I dont see your room ambient, so it's hard to tell if your temp reading is correct.
If the cpu temp reading is below room ambient, then it's def something wrong there (def dont wanna damage your cpu with wrong temp)
I sort of assume the room ambient ~= motherboard temp.

And it seems that your board is offsetting huge amount of voltage, which, might wanna check if there is anything to fix it.

good job to make it work though.

andyliu wrote:
While I look thru your post, I dont see your room ambient, so it's hard to tell if your temp reading is correct.
If the cpu temp reading is below room ambient, then it's def something wrong there (def dont wanna damage your cpu with wrong temp)
I sort of assume the room ambient ~= motherboard temp.

And it seems that your board is offsetting huge amount of voltage, which, might wanna check if there is anything to fix it.

good job to make it work though.

Thanks Andyliu but how do I fix that and my ambient room temp was 20*C. Is offsetting voltage a problem and can it damage my components or cause a fire?

Level 9
for air / water cooling, the best you can achieve is room ambient temp. I might be wrong, but i think it's the physics.
only reason asking is that it's pretty good temp 🙂 and hoping it's not bugged temp
(while I enjoy seeing <0C temp reading with AIO once a while, i have to reset it to get my board work properly)

offset works well and let me adjust voltage easier to O.C
for my board, there are offset for manual input, but never that huge offset
I dont know if it's a bug or something that needs to be address though.
it's just weird to see it have huge different offset when you have to set 1.27 to get 1.35v.

Level 7
Based on the information provided, I would say your temp readings are below what they actually are. The accuracy of the sensors on this board are questionable at best so higher numbers are more than likely closer to accurate. It is better to over-cool your system than to under-cool it. Guestimating, I would say your idle temps should be in the mid-30's C.

When using the Sense Skew Mi option, the recommended offset is 272. Personally, I have it disabled, which gives me higher temperature readings but with it disabled, my idle temps are around 35C.

As a safety measure I will be doing what another person did and that was to set aida64 to shutdown the system if the cpu reaches 80*C as that's all we can do because we cannot trust the motherboard. If I get any other problems with this board I'll rma which means going through ASUS. The offset which I have to put into bios to get my ram to run at 3066 - 3200mhz is 1.27v which says in grey 1.35v. Has anyone else experienced this when you put 1.35v in dram voltage is goes to 1.48v?

Level 7
Yeah from the other threads about people's AIO header and CPU header shutting down which causes overheating really quickly is not good is it. I will be keeping an eye on my temps as going from 60*C idle to 19*C idle by just changing some settings in bios doesn't sound right does it. I checked the temps from hwinfo64 and aida64 as well as bios and ryzen master which messed up my system btw and I had to uninstall ryzen master after trying to change from 4.0 to 3.9ghz and caused my machine to restart then nothing. I couldn't turn off my pc and had to cmos which lost my profiles [luckily I had saved to memory stick]. If we cannot trust temps from the bios and software how the hell are we suppose to monitor our temps? My AIO is connected to the AIO header and my AIO fans on the rad is connected to the AIO splitter on the pump. I don't have any fans on the CPU headers as I used my case fans connected to the case pwm fan controller. I did see lots of -75*C in aida64 and hwinfo64 but that looks like its stopped. Tbh this board shouldn't have been released to us and its been rushed out without being properly tested.

Level 11
19 degrees C = 66.2 degrees F

If you are dragging in 66.2 F from the room, a cold computer will be at that temp at startup after long off idle. Everything heats up from there. I'd question 19 degrees C unless you are sucking in air from your AC vents, and even then....

Level 7
Yeah it was short lived and 1501 caused my pc to crash while in vr and I couldn't turn off my pc as the button didn't work then I saw smoke and when I touched one of the aio cpu hose it was red hot. I've gone back to 1403 and no smoke no crash touch wood. I think the board turned off my headers when on 1501.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Level 7
Hmhm, you can tell your amazing stories elsewhere - 19 C° on your CPU on air is not possible - except your ambient temp is around -5 C° or something. Period ;D